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I was reading a previous thread because I've just recieved word from my doctor that my iron levels are low. I've also been poking around on the net to see what remedies are out there.


Liver was recommended as source of iron, has anyone ever taken liver pills or powder? (I did see the post on frozen liver.) These are advertised as supplements for athletes but one reviewer on amazon said she took it for anemia. Is there any reason why I shouldn't take liver pills?


Another item that interested me was an herbal blend called Iron Woman Tea. Does anyone have experience with that?

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My kids tend to have very low iron and the pediatrician told us that Multi-Grain Cheerios had a ton of iron. My girls who had "the lowest iron I've ever seen," according to the pediatrician needed more than just Cheerios but my other daughter who was just normal low had her iron levels back to normal after a few months of Multi-grain Cheerios a couple mornings a week. I'd give that a try before trying anything nasty.

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My ds and I both struggle with chronic anemia. His body is less responsive to supplementation than mine.


Trying to boost our iron through dietary means didn't do a thing--we were already eating an iron-rich diet prior to diagnosis because I cook/prepare the foods I crave. However, if you're interested to give it a try, you can take 2T blackstrap molasses twice a day--it's a wonderful source of iron. When I have done this, I usually water the molasses down with a little water because otherwise it's so thick it's hard to get down and stays "coated" around the inside of my mouth forever. Also, you can take your iron with a cup or orange juice or a vitamin C pill to aid absorption.


I took/take OTC slow-release iron pills before bed. It really helped with issues like upset stomach and sleep irregularities.


Just FYI, it took me about eight months of aggressive supplementation before my levels were at the bottom of the "normal" range. Building iron takes time.


I have not yet tried the frozen liver thing, but am thinking after the holiday madness we might give it a try.

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My ds and I both struggle with chronic anemia. His body is less responsive to supplementation than mine.


Trying to boost our iron through dietary means didn't do a thing--we were already eating an iron-rich diet prior to diagnosis because I cook/prepare the foods I crave. However, if you're interested to give it a try, you can take 2T blackstrap molasses twice a day--it's a wonderful source of iron. When I have done this, I usually water the molasses down with a little water because otherwise it's so thick it's hard to get down and stays "coated" around the inside of my mouth forever. Also, you can take your iron with a cup or orange juice or a vitamin C pill to aid absorption.


I took/take OTC slow-release iron pills before bed. It really helped with issues like upset stomach and sleep irregularities.


Just FYI, it took me about eight months of aggressive supplementation before my levels were at the bottom of the "normal" range. Building iron takes time.


I have not yet tried the frozen liver thing, but am thinking after the holiday madness we might give it a try.


I was wondering if there is any risk of disease or parasites eating raw liver.

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I was wondering if there is any risk of disease or parasites eating raw liver.


I forget the name of the poster who does the raw liver thing, but she did specifically tell me via pm to freeze the raw liver for two weeks prior to ingesting. She also said that she personally uses only grass-fed, organic liver.

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Yellow Dock is a great source to increase iron levels. I have taken it with iron and dramatically brought my iron levels up in 2 months in preparation for surgery. When i got to the hospital the intake nurse kept asking if I had a transfusion because my iron levels had changed so much in such a short period of time.


Do a search for "yellow dock anemia" and you'll find plenty information. Here is one site to get you started: http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/15/58.cfm


Hope this helps.




eta: I used Yellow Dock capsules. (The blood building iron teas are a bit vile for me)

Edited by HomeCOO
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Cook with cast iron.






Floradix + Cholorphyll



Also, if you have dairy, don't eat it WITH an iron rich food, since calcium inhibits iron absorption.


to maximize iron absorption, make sure there is vitamin C. For example, marinara sauce with ground beef is an awesome combo for iron and vit. C. Maybe wait an hr before you have a glass of milk. ;)


I have heard of desiccated liver that you can put on your food.


I would definitely looking into real food for iron sources. I am not sure that boxed cereal would be the very best choice.


Floradix Iron+Herbs is pricey, not bad tasting AT ALL, and VERY easy on the tummy. :D

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I also have trouble with anemia. I had read somewhere on the Net that heme iron is better for anemia than plant-based iron. I was concerned about that because we don't eat a lot of meat. Does anyone know if that is true??


I also found that canned clams have 90% DV of iron per serving, so I have been trying to eat more of them. It's only been 2 weeks, though, so I don't know if it is helping or not.


Thanks for bringing this up.


Take care,


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Hi Onceuponatime,

There should be no reason why you can't take liver pills/powder. Liver is recommended to athletes etc, because it has a proven anti-fatigue factor. Not much is known about this, or why it works, but it does. I do the raw frozen liver myself, but if it's a bit icky, the capsules or powder should be fine. The efficacy is likely to be a little less if it's been heat treated (likely), but should still be effective.

You will hopefully notice a difference in your anaemia soon. Definitely give the yellow dock and molasses a go, too. The more weapons in your arsenal, the quicker you will be feeling better.

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I am taking liver tablets at the moment. My body seems to enjoy liver. I also eat it. I buy organic calf liver, chop it into small pieces, along with some bacon, and store it in small serving sized bags in the freezer. Then I can take a bag out of the freezer, put it in some hot water to defrost, cook it up in 5 minutes. I like it with mashed potatoes and peas :)

I take various supplements with iron in them at different times. I have never found the One Thing that always works for me.

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My mom had/has chronic anemia. She eventually had to go to a hematologist/oncologist, couldn't find out what was causing it, but got put on some complicated regime of Rx Iron, involving taking it on an empty stomach or something, and is better. The point of all this is that if you don't get better on the other things (which my mom tried) then visiting an MD might help, and hearing the words "hematologist/oncologist" is scary but doesn't necessarily mean "cancer.' :)

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