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Can you help me with this?

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I'm still new here... but have been reading and reading, and am so happy to have found this group! You have all been a huge help in our homeschool journey - thank you. We are plugging through first grade, and loving every minute of it, in part thanks to all of you. :)


Posting this question has been a big decision for me, it's a sensitive topic and I'm honestly fearful about putting it out there, but after months of reading here... I can't think of a better group to ask for help and advice. Maybe one or two of you will have some ideas, some experience with this... And if this is inappropriate to this forum, please tell me and let me know how to delete it.


We have 2 kiddos, and are a waiting family for our 3rd. Our oldest, 19, is my step-son. We've always shared custody with his bio-mom, and get along well. She and DH were never married, and there isn't that ugly divorce dynamic - which is nice. DSS lived in both of our houses equally (time-wise) and then left for college last year. So that's the background.


DSS finished up his first year of college with a bang last year - and not in a good way. It all culminated in a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, after a long hospitalization and a longer out-patient program. I can't begin to share the heartache we've all experienced...


We are now at a tough point. He is passively non-compliant with his medication and with getting help in general. He does not out-right refuse to take his meds, or to contact his psychiatrist or therapist when needed, but generally he does not do these things. He is not in a downward plunge at the moment, but we can see a definite, slow slide happening, and it is frightening. In our family therapy meetings, his therapist tells us that they do not touch on anything of substance, there is no depth, they are not making progress in their one on one sessions. But there is no out-right rebellion. Just a passive sort of avoidance that leaves us all feeling very helpless.


I am torn about the best way to help him. And about the best way to help his bio-mom, too. I want to support them both in every way I can... but am finding it very difficult to think of ways to do so. She is bi-polar as well, also unmedicated - but has been in a steady "normal mode" for a number of years. I worry about this pushing her into an unstable place as well, as this is her only child and the focus of her entire life.


Do any of you have experience with bi-polar young adults? Can you share any resources or advice?


Thanks for any help you can offer,


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You're not going to like my answer. Unfortunately other than encouraging him and doing the things you are doing, you can't force him to take his meds and to get help.


Check out this link for support groups which are for families for those with mental health issues as well as those who suffer from them. http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm?section=Find_Support

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