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I decided to register by phone today for a "Kickin' Combo" class (kickboxing and resistance training) at the YMCA, which I'll be starting this Tuesday evening. If I actually follow through with showing up. I'm nervous about it for some reason!


1) I am a total beginner, never did anything remotely like it before


2) I am NOT in very good shape- as you know if you've looked at any of my weight loss updates! I've lost like 16 lbs so far but I'm still in the 220 lb range right now!!!


I'm probably gonna get there and find a room full of skinny women who have been kickboxing their whole lives and I'm going to feel like an idiot.


Tell me I should go anyway, that it'll be fun and that it'll help me GET in better shape.



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1. Who's to say that the skinny women weren't on the plumper side last year, but now they're skinny because they got up the courage to go to class?


2. Everyone there was a beginner at some point. Everyone knows how hard it is to walk in that door for the first time. They get it. They will be impressed with you just for getting up the nerve to try it.


3. They will be double-impressed if you go back after the first class.


4. You've paid your money, just like them. So long as you aren't banging into people or disrupting the class, it's perfectly OK to do what you can do and modify the rest.


5. The important thing is that you are moving, not that you get the steps exactly right. If you're confused, try doing just the feet part, with your hands on your hips, and add in the arms once you've got the feet going right, which might be the first night or might be later. If you're totally lost, just march in place while you figure it out.


6. Remember, it will take you a while to know the moves by name, and to anticipate what might come next. Don't compare your ability to do this with that of folks who've been doing it for a while.


7. Take a water bottle.


8. Wear a supportive bra. Or even a sports bra over an underwire, if you need more support.


9. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in. If you keep going, you can reward yourself with a nice outfit in January, when fitness clothes go on sale like crazy.


10. Enjoy it! There is no test. There is no recital. Do what you can. Laugh. Make friends.


11. Even if you're not feeling up to it, you'll be glad you went. Don't talk yourself out of it. It will actually make you feel better.


12. If this class isn't the right fit for you, ask the instructor to suggest one that may be a closer fit, and/or look around for something else, like Jazzercise, cardio class, Zumba, tap dancing, or yoga. There's a lot out there to choose from.

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I went gym-shopping about six months ago and ended up at the one associated with the local hospital because the classes are full of broken-down people like me. The instructors are all very rehab-oriented, which is what I need. I do Pilates, Core Fusion, Zumba, and work out in the main gym.


I did a one-week trial at four different places, and the others all had their downsides in my mind. Two of them had classes of largely fit people and didn't seem to offer much in the way of accomodation or modifications for those with more struggles. I couldn't stand the music in the classes at the third, so that did it for me.


If the YMCA class has people of varying levels and an instructor who is used to accomodating that, you'll have a great time. If the instructor charges ahead and leaves you behind, well...you'll be miserable.

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Wow, AskPauline really nailed it!

I ditto everything she just said.


Don't feel self-conscious. Really, other people are going to be too concerned about their own work-out to pay attention to whether or not the newbie has all the steps down.


I regularly do something stupid on the treadmill (drop my waterbottle, ipod, etc.) that creates a racket and probably has others wondering if it's my first time on the darn thing. It's not.


Go and don't be discouraged after the first class. If you're faithful to it, you're gonna feel great after an hour of exercise.

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Thanks everyone, and thanks for those great tips, Pauline! I do plan to go. I just have to not talk myself out of it between now and then. I still get a little nervous whenever I think about it lol. I wish I had somebody to go with me but I don't! (a friend said she'd love to join but can't until January when her Tuesday night classes will be over).

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Just make sure you have your outfit picked out and your dinner planned, so that you don't have any excuses or last-minute chaos when it's time to leave. If you stick with it, you'll make friends in class.


It will be a challenge, but you're setting a great example for your dc! And exercising will really help you to keep the weight off - you're doing so well!

Let us know how it goes.

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So, at about 9 AM this morning, I looked at my desk calendar, saw that "tonight's the night," and thought... "ahhh I don't know if I'm going to go to this. We'll see how the day goes."


At about noon, I sat down to lunch with my husband and commented to him, "Tonight's that kickboxing class. But I don't know if I'm going to go. It's kind of intimidating to go alone, not knowing what to expect!" My stomach was almost in knots just thinking about it.


At about 2:30, I decided I'd better get in the shower and afterward I dressed in sweatpants, teeshirt and a sports bra "just in case."


At about 3:30, I threw my hair up in a ponytail, and took a few precautionay/preventative Ibuprofin, again, just in case (you know, 37 year old bones, plus sciatica, plus kickboxing DEFINITELY equals a need for Ibuprofin), and then went to pick up my oldest daughter from volleyball practice, still unsure as to whether I was going to go.


At a few minutes to 4, while I waited for said oldest daughter to come out of the building, I told my ten year old daughter how I was feeling. That I MIGHT go to this class tonight, but that I wasn't sure because I was a little nervous to go for the first time by myself. She had some good advice for me: "You should go! It's good to try new things! Plus, it's good exercise!"


("Yeah! And exercise makes you strong!" my almost five year old piped in).


My daughter continued, "If you get nervous, just close your eyes and count to ten."


("And take a deep breath!" my almost five year old added helpfully).


My daughter continued, "And you can pretend nobody else is in the room. Or picture them in their underwear!"


("Yeah!" my almost five year old agreed).


At 4:20, we got back home. I had the kids use the bathroom, and gave them all a snack, just in case they were to end up having a later dinner.


At 4:39 PM, I started watching the clock. I'd have to leave about 4:45-ish if I was going to go, so I could get the kids settled into their childcare rooms and then find the kickboxing class instructor so I could get a feel for her and make sure she knew that I was a total novice at this and to make sure she thought it was going to be a suitable class for me.


At 4:40, my stomach started feeling kind of knotted up again.


At 4:42, I sighed, and told the kids to put their shoes back on.


At 4:45, I had the kids put on their sweatjackets, grabbed a water bottle, told myself firmly "Oh, just go!"...


...and I went.


And I took the class.


And I didn't die from it. (Although a few times I came close).


And while most of the women WERE already in great shape- a couple of them weren't.


And the instructor was nice, and it was a small class of only like 9 women.


And I didn't do so badly keeping up with (most of) the moves.


And I'm glad I went.



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So, at about 9 AM this morning, I looked at my desk calendar, saw that "tonight's the night," and thought... "ahhh I don't know if I'm going to go to this. We'll see how the day goes."


At about noon, I sat down to lunch with my husband and commented to him, "Tonight's that kickboxing class. But I don't know if I'm going to go. It's kind of intimidating to go alone, not knowing what to expect!" My stomach was almost in knots just thinking about it.


At about 2:30, I decided I'd better get in the shower and afterward I dressed in sweatpants, teeshirt and a sports bra "just in case."


At about 3:30, I threw my hair up in a ponytail, and took a few precautionay/preventative Ibuprofin, again, just in case (you know, 37 year old bones, plus sciatica, plus kickboxing DEFINITELY equals a need for Ibuprofin), and then went to pick up my oldest daughter from volleyball practice, still unsure as to whether I was going to go.


At a few minutes to 4, while I waited for said oldest daughter to come out of the building, I told my ten year old daughter how I was feeling. That I MIGHT go to this class tonight, but that I wasn't sure because I was a little nervous to go for the first time by myself. She had some good advice for me: "You should go! It's good to try new things! Plus, it's good exercise!"


("Yeah! And exercise makes you strong!" my almost five year old piped in).


My daughter continued, "If you get nervous, just close your eyes and count to ten."


("And take a deep breath!" my almost five year old added helpfully).


My daughter continued, "And you can pretend nobody else is in the room. Or picture them in their underwear!"


("Yeah!" my almost five year old agreed).


At 4:20, we got back home. I had the kids use the bathroom, and gave them all a snack, just in case they were to end up having a later dinner.


At 4:39 PM, I started watching the clock. I'd have to leave about 4:45-ish if I was going to go, so I could get the kids settled into their childcare rooms and then find the kickboxing class instructor so I could get a feel for her and make sure she knew that I was a total novice at this and to make sure she thought it was going to be a suitable class for me.


At 4:40, my stomach started feeling kind of knotted up again.


At 4:42, I sighed, and told the kids to put their shoes back on.


At 4:45, I had the kids put on their sweatjackets, grabbed a water bottle, told myself firmly "Oh, just go!"...


...and I went.


And I took the class.


And I didn't die from it. (Although a few times I came close).


And while most of the women WERE already in great shape- a couple of them weren't.


And the instructor was nice, and it was a small class of only like 9 women.


And I didn't do so badly keeping up with (most of) the moves.


And I'm glad I went.




Good job! It sounds like fun :).

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And I'm glad I went.



Yay!!! I was wondering when your class was!


It *is* so much easier to go if you are already dressed for it - that was a good move. Now take a moment to kind of soak up the memory of how good you feel about having gone, because it's going to take a few weeks to get into the habit. So next week, if you're feeling tired, or have a "what was I thinking to sign up for this" moment, remember how you felt *after* the class, and make yourself go! (And remember - in January, get yourself a fabulous exercise outfit as a reward!)


What a good example you set for your dc today!

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(you know, 37 year old bones, plus sciatica, plus kickboxing DEFINITELY equals a need for Ibuprofin)




Well you jump right in, don't ya, lol?


Your post makes me feel like a dinosaur, because I'm 46 and did my first kb class 10 years ago. :svengo:

I'm sure I could not complete one today.

Those classes will get you in shape quickly, though!

Congratulations for getting through it!

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