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Any recomendations for a good, basic Latin textbook for our purposes?


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We afterschool, and this summer I would like to focus on math and Latin. I have no ambitions of teaching my son (who will be just over 7) Latin but I do think it's important to learn the basic words (the ones that serve as roots). I never formally studied these myself, but know quite a bit due to being fluent in Italian. (so, I may learn as I go along as well). He's already in a Frech program, for what that's worth.


Is there a good book/resource you recomend for this limited purpose we have? Many thanks in advance!

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If you have no interest in studying Latin, just roots, you might want to look at the MCT vocabulary books (which lean heavily on Latin roots)...


If you want just a fun intro to the idea of Latin along with a few derivatives, etc, you could consider just reading through Minimus for fun... (You could still do the MCT books later on.)

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English From the Roots Up covers the latin & greek roots. You can use just the book or order cards.

It has the root "photos" = light and a list of words derived from that on the back.


It is great if you are only interested in the etymology and not learning the latin language itself.

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The MCT vocab books are root based, and my dd10 is LOVING Ceasar's English. As in, no, no more, honey, that's enough vocab for today, lol.


English From the Roots Up was a bust for us, couldn't sustain any interest on my part or theirs.


My dd12 likes the Vocabulary from Classical Roots books pretty well.

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