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Whole Foods

Guest mrsjamiesouth

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

Does anyone eat completely whole foods? I mean everything organic, nothing processed, and even mill your own grains.

If so, what do you do for snacks?? I got the meals down, I am just not sure what to do for snacks and also if you have to eat out.:confused:


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We do, mostly. Probably 95% of the time.


Snacks around here are fruit/veggies with peanut or sunflower butter. Hummus and pita. Yogurt with jelly. (No sugar) Bread with pb. Nuts. Popcorn. Very simple.


Eating out and vacations - I just enjoy myself. I love veggies and eat a lot of vegetarian meals, so I often order those. But, I don't care what the rest of the family does! We just have fun. But, we eat out VERY rarely. We save that money for vacations instead!!


We did just find a local restaurant that cooks locally grown, mediterranian food. When we do eat out (6x/year?), that's where we go!!!

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No. I don't know that it's possible for us, but I have ideas about snacks. :)


Eggs, cheese, yogurt, tortillias, burritos, popcorn, home -baked things, toast & nut butters, apples and nut butters, bananas and nut butters ;), avocado (love it mashed in a sandwich), nuts & seeds, baked tortilla chips with salsa. I think I have a Mexican/nut butters theme going on.:)

Edited by LibraryLover
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We make a good attempt, but we don't get anywhere near 100%. Since we try hard most of the time, we don't sweat it when we can't (traveling, relatives etc). We carrots and other veggies. We do locally produced homemade bread and cheese (my DD loves goat cheese and we have a nationally recognized producer within 30 miles of us).

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For the last couple of months (since the garden was producing) my boys would eat 3-4 large tomatoes each for their afternoon snack. My girls would eat sliced cucumbers (with the peeling) sprinkled with salt. They would also have a piece of fruit with it (blueberries, peaches, raspberries, watermelon, apples) whatever we had around that day. As the garden winds down they will have more homemade muffins, popcorn, celery w/peanut butter, carrots, apples, cheese and homemade crackers, smoothies (with all the fruit we picked and froze this summer), homemade bread (I usually start right after lunch and it is always hot and fresh for afternoon snack time), trail mix/chex mix blends that I have thrown together with whatever bits of things we have around. If I have recently baked a pumpkin/squash they will have roasted seeds. If all else fails, they will finish off any dabs of leftovers in the fridge that aren't enough to make an actual meal.

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