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Could ds have fractured his arm?

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I posted the same question about my son yesterday. He hurt his wrist last Thursday but didn't tell me about it until Saturday. We have him in a carpal tunnel wrist band/splint to immobilize it. I asked here first ;) and the responses reminded me of when dd actually DID break her wrist. We went into the ER on a Sunday, and they just immobilized it until we could get to an orthopedic dr. So, we decided to wait until tomorrow and ds will be going to the pediatrician.


If you take him to the ER, make sure you grab those x-rays. Even so, they may be taken again. Sometimes they wait a few days before retaking x-rays.


Ds also broke his knuckle in his knee last year and the ER just immobilized it until we got to the orthopedic. Why does this always happen on the weekend?:confused:

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BTW, I didn't take dd right away because she could move her hand and fingers. I assumed there was no break because she could move it all. She had a horrific, staircase break in both bones which required surgery and pins. The dr. said many people think there's no break in arms/wrists because the hand and fingers can be moved. It's a huge misconception.


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This just happened to our ds in July! He hurt his arm, we blew it off (he's kinda dramatic about everything so I didn't take him seriously) because he could move his fingers and bend his wrist. The next morning he woke up and it was swollen and he couldn't move it at all. I took him in for an x-ray and sure enough it was broken. I guess I would take him in if you have that option.

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I concur with the others--take him in. It should be fine to go in the morning. Also, sometimes breaks don't show up clearly on an x-ray right away--sometimes they have to take new pictures two weeks later. So even if they say it's not broken, play it safe and monitor his pain levels carefully. If it's not better in two weeks you will want another x-ray or mri.

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