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Favorite Christian elementary science curric BESIDES Apologia and


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We are really enjoying Sonlight Science K. The topics keep moving along and you don't completely sit on one topic (unless you want to). It doesn't expect mastery just exposure. They use books, activity sheets, DVDs and experiments. I don't know about any other level but I do plan on moving onto Science 1 when we finish K.


ETA: I do add in extra "crafty" things since my big girl is young. Check out my blog and you can see our "science wall" from the Living Things Unit we just completed (posted on this week's report). We also started looking at plants and are about to start growing some seeds - the curriculum told me to make a "Nature Diary" to record our seed progress.

Edited by MissKNG
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51w0mCoQlEL._SL500_AA300_.jpgWe are doing this series, and it is based on a 2 day a week, and it is 36 weeks, but you could do it faster, or take out what you don't want.

I love it for my 2 5th and one 6th grader. The hands on section is not so intensive mom is running around the world trying to find things. It is cheapest thru amazon or Rainbow Resource. At Rainbow, there is a whole lesson you can read, and the table of contents. She has many in the series. She is a Christian mom who homeschooled, and this is what she made to fill a gap she saw.

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Guest TheBugsMom

BJU is the best science I have found that is Christian based other then Apologia elementary science. REAL Science Odyssey is also an excellent choice (but I don't think it is Christian based).

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We love Answers in Genesis! The link is for all the books, so don't let the price scare you! We tried Apologia Elementary, but it was just too drawn out, and the narrative type lessons drove me crazy. We love how AiG's lessons are concise, geared towards different elem ages, and almost always includes a short easy experiment. They are also solidly Christian!

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Guest mrsjamiesouth
that isn't just one topic all year long? Is there such a thing?


Someone really needs to write a solid Christian elementary sci program!



This doesn't meet both of your requirements, but I really like Christian Kids explore series. You could buy a few of the books and pull out the lessons you like, skipping around topics. The units are pretty individual so you could interchange all the books.

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