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Need school lunch ideas, please

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While my kids are in public school (hopefully not too much longer) they are taking their lunches with them since we did not qualify for the free lunch program this year, even though when my daughter was in 4th grade there and my husband had more income than he does now, we did qualify. But, I digress.


What I would very much appreciate from you is ideas, other than sandwiches, for their lunches. Keep in mind that there is no place to heat up their lunch, so those type of meals won't work.


Any suggestions?

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It isn't flashy, but I make homemade lunchables for my DD.


Usually turkey pepperoni, cut up cheese, crackers, cut up fruit and some celery with peanut butter.


She loves them and it's cheaper than a lunchable, but still easy to make. We have them at home, but it would be easy to pack.

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Even if they don't have a microwave, you can send things in thermoses to keep them warm.


Roll-ups...use tuna, nutella, pb&j, lunchmeat, anything and wrap it up in tortillas. if you cut them up, they're visually appealing, finger food, and are plain cool.


Soups, spaghetti, leftovers fit into thermoses for the next day.


Frozen smoothies will thaw for lunch. Flavored yogurts (regular yogurt with toppings and additions to make their own 'parfaits'. cold homemade pizza is a favorite for our boys for lunch..and we sometimes do them on hot dog roll halves for fun.


Check out the plethora of lunch idea sites and blogs for ideas, too! Many are geared to 'bento' type lunch setups, but you can get great meal ideas from them, as well.









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Keep in mind, my ds mostly makes his own lunches. Today was angel hair pasta with peas, olive oil, salt & pepper, with a side salad of green peppers, cherry tomatoes & avocado (but no lettuce lol). He also brought a corn muffin his hs'd sisters made yesterday. Water bottle.


He doesn't eat sandwiches, which means each day we brainstorm non- sandwich lunches. Leftovers are big. Monday he packed a piece of grilled tuna (he's brought leftover meatloaf, chicken, chili, stew, soup etc in the past) & rice pilaf (which is what we had for sunday dinner) with a corn on the cob, slivers of green pepper (he loves green pepper and the garden is still coughing up one or two...that is pretty mcuh over at this point. :() and a slice of watermelon. I know he's said kids drool over his lunches. :tongue_smilie:


Investing in some little covered containers, a Thermos, and a cold pack is helpful.

Edited by LibraryLover
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