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ISO: Easy adventure or mystery book for my husband

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He read one about Everest that he liked, but other than that, I don't think he's finished a book since high school. Seriously.


He would like to get a book to take to the cabin for our fall get-away.


Any recommendations? It has to be easy writing.



Winterdance, by Gary Paulsen

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If the Everest book was Into Thin Air, then another of Kraukauer's books might be something he'd enjoy. (Eiger Dreams?)


Touching the Void is another mountain climbing book, first person. Also very good.


Robert B Parker is a really fun author and the books are an easy read... but there's some really neat allusions to catch as well in some of them.

He wrote the books that led to the Spencer for Hire tv series in the 80s - and Parker kept writing Spencer books until his death this year.

He wrote some Western books that my father has enjoyed: Appaloosa might be fun. Or his Jesse Stone books (first is Night Passage).

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What about a collection of short stories? This is one I purchased for my husband. It's humourous stories about outdoors, fishing, camping, etc.



McManus can be hysterical. There's the story he tells about his first deer in They Shoot Canoes, Don't They? that used to have me rolling. He was a columnist for Field & Stream, I think. You wouldn't go wrong with any of his books.

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Whatever You Do, Don't Run: True Tales of a Botswana Safari Guide


Someone on this board recommended this sometime ago and it was an easy and fun read.


Would your dh go for a YA type book? I've been reading a lot of Eoin Colfer lately since my ds is currently into Artemis Fowl. I really like that I don't have to think too hard to get through a YA book. ;)



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he has a long commute. They may be easier to do than reading for good books that may be a bit heavier-or with tougher language.


Currently he is listening to the Master and Commander series. I think the author is Patrick O'Brian???spelling


He recently listened to some Mark Twain and enjoyed it and got interested in Harry Potter during a recent long road trip (though he would likley never admit it). So Yes-some YA may work too.


Thanks for the recommendations previous posters-I'll check into them for my DH if I can get them on audio....

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Thank you so much! My husband read Winterdance in about a day and loved it.


I got that for my DH after reading about it on the boards a while ago..he loved it too.

I am always happy to follow threads about books for DH. He likes to read when we go on vacations and I usually end up choosing the books for him.

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