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Why is my 5yo suddenly sucking on things?

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My 5yodd sucked on her fingers when she was an infant, but stopped when she was 6 months old. She hasn't sucked on anything in almost five years. Now, all of a sudden, she's always putting things in her mouth: her hair, her dress, her blanket, any ties on her clothes. When I tried to forbid her sucking, she started twisting her hair really tightly around her finger. I let her go, and she went back to sucking.


I'm guessing maybe she's growing up so fast she's kind of scaring herself. So she's holding onto her little-ness by regressing to babyish behavior? I'm sure she will grow out of it, and I'm not really concerned. It's just gross! :tongue_smilie:


My older dd went through something similar when she was 6 or 7. When I forced her to quit sucking on things, she started biting her nails. Then, she went back to sucking on things. Eventually, she stopped on her own.


I'm not worried about my 5yo. I'm mostly just curious if others' children have developed an oral fixation at an older age, when none existed before? Any ideas on how (or if) I can stop her from sucking on stuff without her just picking up some other habit? She doesn't see any reason why she should stop. She doesn't even think it's gross.



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For some kids it is a soothing mechanism. Others it is a nervous habit. When my ds does it, we give him a piece of gum.



If dd were 10, or even 6, I'd give her gum. I don't trust her with it now though. She's got too much hair!


Of course, if she keeps twisting it and chewing one it, she may not have it very long. :)

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Mine dd5 has been licking things lately.:001_huh: It's strange, and when I ask her why she just shrugs (I personally think she does it now because she likes my reaction). When she goes to sleep at night though she needs to smell something. Usually it's just an old baby blanket or toy that she rubs under her nose. As soon as she starts to rub her nose with it, it is like instant relaxation and calmness.

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I never sucked my thumb, but when I was 12, we moved to a new house. I sucked my thumb for a couple of months. I also did it for the first few weeks of college. My now 9 year old gave up the pacifier at age 2 and then one day at age 4.5 started sucking her thumb. It took a mouth guard and some orthodontia to stop that.

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Thanks everyone. I hadn't considered that she might be teething. And, I like the idea of having a designated sucking device. She seems to prefer soft things to hard, so I'll enforce a "Blanky only" rule, and see how it goes.


UPDATE: When I watched her with her blankie, I noticed she IS chewing (with her molars), not sucking. Mystery solved. And, she's happy to keep it to just the blankie, so the problem is solved as well. Thanks everyone!

Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
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