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Some moments really make it all worth it (CC)


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Good morning, friends. Well, actually I guess it's afternoon here. I just wanted to share a conversation that my oldest and I had this morning. After our bible reading out of the book of Luke, Anna said to me, "If you want to follow Jesus, sometimes you gotta give up a lot of stuff." I have been carrying so much "stuff" around lately: anger about my fil's sickness and how it "ruined" our vacation and our summer, fear about the situation at church, anxiety about my children's health, worry about our financial difficulties, on top of just the everyday stuff that moms and wives go through. God used my 10 year old to speak to me today. I have got to let go of all this stuff, and just focus on Jesus. "He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is my joy and my salvation. He stood in my place, taking my shame, upon his shoulders." He has already taken on all my stuff.


If my kids were in public school, we would miss these most precious early morning conversations. I don't want to miss anything. And I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with the desire and the ability to homeschool. Even though it's hard, my house is a mess, I'm exhausted, and the girls fight like cats and dogs sometimes because they are sick of each other, I wouldn't change it for the world.


Just wanted to share. Hope you all have a blessed day. :grouphug:

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I am firmly convinced that God gives us our children not so that we can help shape them, but that they can help wear away our rough edges.


Ask me how I know....:lol:


I've been walking around mumbling "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing (James 1:4) for days now.


Thanks for sharing; your post was beautiful.

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Good morning, friends. Well, actually I guess it's afternoon here. I just wanted to share a conversation that my oldest and I had this morning. After our bible reading out of the book of Luke, Anna said to me, "If you want to follow Jesus, sometimes you gotta give up a lot of stuff." I have been carrying so much "stuff" around lately: anger about my fil's sickness and how it "ruined" our vacation and our summer, fear about the situation at church, anxiety about my children's health, worry about our financial difficulties, on top of just the everyday stuff that moms and wives go through. God used my 10 year old to speak to me today. I have got to let go of all this stuff, and just focus on Jesus. "He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is my joy and my salvation. He stood in my place, taking my shame, upon his shoulders." He has already taken on all my stuff.


If my kids were in public school, we would miss these most precious early morning conversations. I don't want to miss anything. And I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with the desire and the ability to homeschool. Even though it's hard, my house is a mess, I'm exhausted, and the girls fight like cats and dogs sometimes because they are sick of each other, I wouldn't change it for the world.


Just wanted to share. Hope you all have a blessed day. :grouphug:


Lovely!! You are doing a great job discipling her, too!


Train up a child in the way SHE should go, and when SHE is old SHE will not part from it.

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In the course of a conversation today, my 8 year old said (with glee), "Mom! You've been with us almost every single second of our lives!"


Yes, I have.


What a blessing we all have, being able to homeschool. Sometimes I think my heart will just pop, I'm so happy to be living this life. (Sort of like when the Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes that day.)

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In the course of a conversation today, my 8 year old said (with glee), "Mom! You've been with us almost every single second of our lives!"


Yes, I have.


What a blessing we all have, being able to homeschool. Sometimes I think my heart will just pop, I'm so happy to be living this life. (Sort of like when the Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes that day.)


I have felt this way very, very often over the years. We are indeed blessed.:)

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