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Do you do an entire MM lesson in one go?


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No.. we do 1 lesson a week.. which means 1 to 2 pages a day.. sometimes extra pages are added if we need practice...


When I filed the entire year's worth of lessons, as 1 lesson per week.. I ran out of lessons before 36 weeks...for grade 1...


eta: I went back and looked again.. so for addition there are X pages..and it's quite a few.. I am not sure it's broken down by "lesson" but we do 1 to 2 pages a day.. or 4 to 6 pages a week.. and that's how I filed it..

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In the past I've had him do 2 pages a day and on the pages that are heavy with practice I cross out half of them.


Now, I still have him do every-other problem on the heavy pages, but he works for 45mins and just gets as far as he can. This has helped on the days where math is taking longer or he isn't focusing as well as I would like. We both know it will end soon! :lol: Some days he gets three pages done, some days not even one. BTW, He is 3rd grade this fall and just finishing MM3b and will be starting MM4a after brief detour to learn the abacus and to better memorize his multiplication facts.

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This is our first time using it and I'm pretty much going with 50-60 min worth of math then stopping, so about 2 pages, maybe 3. I have 2 kids on different grade levels so we lose some time going from one child to the other for help when needed.

So far I'm really loving MM. We've done Singapore and Horizons in the past but I'm feeling MM bliss. I felt like Horizons was not teaching enough mental math (coming from Singapore) and I can see my non-math kid has some gaps there.

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We just started, and so far the first lessons are really easy. We're doing exactly one lesson a day, which means 2-3 pages, and I schedule 10-20 minutes for Math Mammoth. Still getting into the groove of things, but I've planned to do it 3-4 times per week.


If things get harder, I have no problem dropping down to one page a day.

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We're finishing 1A, and taking 20 minutes to do one page daily. There are sometimes many problems on one page and I can't skip, as ds needs the practice. He has a hard time getting in the groove for math. Off to watch Math Mammoth videos this weekend!

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My 6yo first-grader does about a page a day. When it's a whole lot of problems, I'll cut it down to half a page. There have been days when he's done 2 pages because it was mostly word problems or other easy things.


Even with the one page a day system, I was able to file the entire year of MM (minus a few pages I thought were extraneous) and finish grade 1 at week 34.

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The Math Mammoth lessons seem so long! Do I really have to do problems 1-6 in one session (even if, say, problem #2 takes up an entire page!), or can I do two or three problems a day, or however much DD can do in 20 minutes, and still keep on schedual?


i think 20-30 minutes is plenty, as long as he is focused and no dilly-dallying. for my 9yo we do 30-40 minutes. that usually (but not always) works out to about 2 pages of problems.

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My 6 yr old does 1 page/day (unless there aren't many problems...).


My 8 yr old is taking a break from MM. I think we used to do one lesson/day and she burnt out after a year. Now I have trouble getting her to do even a page. I'm thinking about other non-workbook options (TT).

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