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Anybody use MFW and add a phonics


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I am undecided, LOL.

Kindergarten is always my hardest to choose.


I got to thinking that maybe Adventures might be too hard and thought I might should hold off for a year.

I have not found anyone who has used Adventures so young.


I had a 3yo participating when we did it before. Of course she didn't do as much as her 7yo sister, but there was a lot she could do.


Perhaps if you re-worded your question to say something like "Has anyone used MFW Adventures with a 5yo?" The more specific you are in the subject line and in your OP, the more responses you're likely to get. I know I've seen posts by some moms who used Adventures with a 5yo. They just need to be called out of the woodwork. :lol: Your OP is really vague.


Keep in mind, too, that you don't HAVE to do ANYTHING academic with a 5yo except some basic math skills and teach them how to read. ;)

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:D If you're considering using Adventures with a kiddo in K then don't do it!!!!! I am using Adv with an 8 year old 2nd grader and a 6 year old 1st grader. I think it is a perfectly balanced program for the 2nd grader. :001_smile: I modify just a bit for my first grader.


Anyhow, do something else for K and save Adventures for later on! :001_smile: The work load is way. too. big. for a K'er. And I don't think that some of the stories will be interesting to most K'ers.


I vote for Sonlight in kinder. Phonics instruction, hands on fun, memory work, Bible time, numbers/counting (maybe Right Start A) and reading special stories a la Sonlight. :D


To answer your question:

Yes, I use something different/extra for phonics with MFW K or 1st. I'm not a fan of MFW K (though many are and love it) and won't be using that again. But we loved the 1st grade program. I do believe that teaching through a more thorough phonics primer is needed (i.e. OPGTR or PP).

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Back when I was homeschooling my ds, I used Adv. when my son was 5 1/2 and then halfway into 6. But, we had gone through MFW 1 when he had just turned 5 and he was reading well. He was able to read lots of the easy suggested readers to go along with the program (for book basket). He loved it, I loved it, and he still looks over his notebook from time to time.


With that said, I know that this would not have been appropriate for several of my others at that age. They just wouldn't have been ready. With the ADV program, you really want to take advantage of all the books available for the 2nd/3rd grade level of reading (American Girl, etc) for them to read themselves. So, it is really your call :001_smile:.

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I didn't use Adventures specifically (b/c I had older kids too), but I *DID* do Exploration to 1850 (the 2nd/3rd grade supplement, which is pretty much Adventures LOL) with a 5 year old, and added RME. It went extremely well, and honestly, when my now baby is 5, I would definitely consider doing it again. I really, really liked Reading Made Easy. (can I say I liked it MUCH better than MFW phonics instruction? Love MFW, just not overly thrilled with their phonics)


I probably need to disclaimer that this particular 5 year old was VERY bright, not at all sensitive, and had been asking for "real school" since she was 2. She did all of MFW K at age 4, but I really didn't want to do MFW 1st with her, so I tried adding her in to the older kid's program. It worked great for us, and she did 1850-Modern last year at age 6.

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Yep. We use MFW K, CLE Learn to Read (but we take this one page at a time and only 3 times a week) and HOP K (once again, very slowly).


We're not even halfway through these three programs and the 5 yro is reading.



I need to add: a lot of times when I use several different programs, it's because I have it lying around the house from the older kids. It's easier for me to grab pieces from several different things because I already have them.

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I didn't use Adventures specifically (b/c I had older kids too), but I *DID* do Exploration to 1850 (the 2nd/3rd grade supplement, which is pretty much Adventures LOL) with a 5 year old, and added RME. It went extremely well, and honestly, when my now baby is 5, I would definitely consider doing it again. I really, really liked Reading Made Easy. (can I say I liked it MUCH better than MFW phonics instruction? Love MFW, just not overly thrilled with their phonics)



LOL, my oldest, who learned to read with RME, keeps telling me I need to use it with my youngest. My youngest has had delays due to a speech disorder and we've used MFW K, 1st, ETC, and a mish-mash of other things. She's moving along fairly steadily now, but it's taken a LONG time to get there. (Again, this isn't a curriculum problem, per se, but my dd's own issues.) However, my oldest thinks that if I'd just do RME with her, it would fix everything. :lol:

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We used Hooked on Phonics with MFW K, but not because we had a problem with the MFW phonics. I think it's a great program! In our situation, dd had already learned to read using HOP before we even knew we were going to homeschool. When we finally decided to homeschool, we found MFW K and absolutely fell in love with the science & Bible/character training, but we saw that dd's reading level was beyond MFW K. Our solution was to use everything else in MFW K except the phonics; we just kept progressing through HOP for that, then reinforced it all with MFW 1.


FWIW, MFW K was a priceless year for us! :001_smile:

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