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Keeping a busy child down post surgery

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My dd has always been a very active child. Not hyperactive, but very busy and always on the move. She is having surgery in about a month to repair a hole in her eardrum for the second time. It's more involved this time, but has a good chance of taking care of the problem once and for all. However, she really needs to not exert herself for at least the first 2 weeks (a month would be better). After the first day or 2 when she starts feeling better, I don't know what I'm going to do. I already told her we will watch lots of Netflix movies, but I know she will get tired of sitting around. Even taking a walk will be difficult as she loves to run ahead when we walk. We sooooo want her ear problems to finally be over, so she has got to follow the doctor's post-op directions. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks!

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I went thru this with my son, jaw surgery...and he couldn't be active for almost a month!!!


Lots of coloring, a DS system, friendhip bracelets. When the house was quiet...I would let him get down on the living room floor with a board game, walk to the kitchen and mainfloor bathroom, but that was it. It was harder to train his siblings than him.


Those glow in the dark, art desk things were great too! You should be able to do trips to the library.


My son learned a whole new set of skills, and his inner artist really came out! Is she old enough for oragami? Paper beads? Fimo? ooooh, almost forgot...word searches and I Spy books.

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I would invest in lots of arts and crafts materials and have a plan of what you want to make. They can be complex crafts even. Maybe you want to make lots of new ornaments for the tree or gifts for family. I might even buy those kits that I think are cool looking but probably over priced.


Maybe you could do scrapbooking together.

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Wow, that would be difficult.


Stock up on new craft supplies....lots of them. Michaels has some great do it yourself hand puppets for cheap. You could get supplies to make those.


Do you have a video game system? If not, maybe you could invest in one....either handheld or otherwise....or borrow one? Netflix is good, like you said.


New board games, get a jump on making Christmas gifts for family members, moon sand, some PlayDoh kits.


Does she like to play with little figures and animals? There's some cute new types of those out in stores now....new Christmas items that have recently been released.


Magnetic dolls, paper dolls, computer games (pbskids.com, disney.com, nickjr.com, webkinz.com are all good and free....well you do need a webkinz for the last one).


Workbooks, coloring books, maze books, hidden pictures, kids magazines, learn to draw books, extra school work LOL.


I hope it goes well, I can't imagine trying to keep a kid calm for that long.

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And I would put all of the new stuff up, if you purchase any. I'd sit down and make a rotating plan sheet so that she has scheduled things to do. That way she can look forward to upcoming things and plus, she won't see all the new things at one time. You can gradually introduce them so they will interest her. I think a plan is key in a situation like this. Start rotating her toys too....she can play with a new set of toys every week.

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TEACH HER TO KNIT!!! If she's at least six or seven years old, she should be able to handle a basic knit stitch.



Kids Knit is the book I used to teach my dd to knit at that age. I've looked at almost all of the kids knitting books out there and I think this one is the most clear.


Anyway, good luck with the surgery and keeping dd busy!



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