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My computer has died a horrible tragic death.

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I got a hijack virus. We tried just about everything out there to remove it, all of which failed. I was able to continue using it in safe mode but now it has reached a point where it won't even boot up. I currently have two technicians working on it who are going to try to reformat and restore the original system but it is not looking good. We managed to save all of my documents, emails and money files to a thumb drive but I will still lose a lot of info and I have to buy a new computer. I had Windows XP which I really liked. I am currently using my dd's computer which has Windows 7 on it which I don't like at all. I am generally not very fond of change but when I get a new computer it will have Windows 7 on it. Oh and I really can't afford to buy a new computer right now. I am seriously bummed about it.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I sincerely feel your pain. Our computer died suddenly right after the hot water heater, and two weeks before the transmission on our van went out. I held up bravely through it all, and then our bunny died unexpectedly last week and I was a serious mess.


Thankfully the hard drive wasn't impacted because I hadn't done a back up in a long time and hadn't done well in backing up or printing off pictures at all. If that sounds like anyone reading this, get that back up done ASAP because I would have been sick had we lost it.

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Did your computer have a name? How shall we remember him/her?



a nerd who names her computers


Yep, it was a hijack virus. If you Google this you will find . . .wait for it . . .

a lot of listings for the google hijack virus. There are also a lot of entries for the facebook hijack virus. There are a couple of others but as far as I can tell they are all the same virus. The feature that usually alerts you to the problem is that when you do a search you either get results that have nothing to do with what you were searching for or you get the right hits but when you click on any of the links, it redirects you to some other random site. It is a pretty bad virus as it over-rides your virus protection, prevents you from even going to the Malwarebytes site, refuses to let you download any other anti-virus software and basically has been written in such a way that it prevents you from in any way trying remove it or even reformat you computer.

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Sounds bad. I'm sorry you have had to deal with this. I would recommend booting from a Linux LiveCD such as Ubuntu and then reformat (repartition, whatever) the C: drive from within Linux.


I think that they are going to do something like this. This is the part of the conversation that I got: flash drive -blah, blah, blah, BIOS - blah, blah, blah, Linux, blah, blah, blah, Ubuntu - blah, blah blah, reformat. :001_huh: It all Greek to me but they sound like they know what they are doing.

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