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Bible for 4-5 year olds


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I've always read short Bible picture stories over a couple days --reading from different children's versions. Then one day I'd give the child a page to color while I read (http://children.calvarychapel.com/site/curriculum.htm); another day we'd do a craft to go w/ the story; and another day we'd act it out or I'd let them re-tell it to me with puppets. For activities to go w/ the stories I use a lot of resources that you can get at your local Christian book store for like Sunday school -our local school supply store even carries these. Rod and Staff has a nice childrens Bible and color book for pre-school too. Two other places that I love are: http://www.hubbardscupboard.org and http://www.daniellesplace.com.

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We started learning Bible stories this year. I wanted something very low-key and fun, just to introduce things to him. I'm using the Bible Story ideas from Bible and Rhyme (there's a TON more planned there, but I only use the ideas for Bible stories). We use the Jesus Storybook Bible for now, which keeps his interest. When he's older I'll switch to an actual Bible, but for a gentle introduction at a child's level of understanding, I really love the Jesus Storybook Bible.

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Have you looked at HOD LHTH?

It teaches everything through Bible stories. All the activities and music go with the Bible story. I don't know how advanced you dc is when it comes to reading, but LHTH teaches the letters and their sound with Bible stories. Look at the first week in PDF format. You have several Bibles and devotionals to choose from according to the age of you dc.


It might be what you are looking for.:)

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I did not like the Family Time Bible listed above because some of the illustrations were scary for my sensitive kids at that age as were some of the stories used.


I used The Beginners Bible by Karyn Henley and Dennas Davis and we enjoyed and still enjoy using it. Note, this is an older version by an author with a similar name as a same title, same publisher new bible that I didn't want. I got it used and this is what I mainly used. Afterward I discovered the Jesus Storybook Bible someone mentioned upthread. I love this bible and highly recommend it! It doesn't include a wide variety of stories though so another Children's bible is a good idea in my opinion. We used the Singing Bible CD's too and I recommend this to go with the stories.


I've not used it but this bible is likely very good. It's the same author as the one I linked above. It's in day by day format (so one story a day) and the reviews mention good for short attention spans. I have complete confidence in Karyn Henley's materials. It might be the best option for how you described your daughter. Of course you can preview it online to see if it might be a good fit.


Anyway, as far as what to do I think reading a story a day (and listening to the music if you get that) along with some activity to cement it and make it fun is the best way to approach things.


If you need or want a formal curriculum with the ideas planned for you, I've loved all the Karyn Henley materials I've used. I see that their Playsongs curriculum for that age has a plan for daily use. You can preview on the site. I didn't find her materials at that age but I did use the next step up from Playsongs and it's very good. I'm using a daily material now for older (6) kids along with her 1st grade curriculum stuff. Anyway, look at the Playsongs if you want something planned as I'm sure it's good though I've not used it. It's a relatively inexpensive curriculum as well. LHTH has daily bible with activity as well as someone mentioned and you can preview that online as well. We used a different bible for her stuff and therefore skipped some stories and etc. She does use the Singing Bible CD which is nice.



On the less expensive end of things you can use a good bible with short stories and do an activity of some sort per day for each story. That activity can be a coloring sheet if your daughter likes to color, a craft, acting out the story components (I did that a lot with my Sunday School classes in that age range), paint a picture, a snack that fits the story, etc. There are so many ideas available online. I have a friend who used bible felt stories and they worked well for her. Whatever you do I think making it active is key for engaging that age!

Edited by sbgrace
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I just went to a conference this weekend by Answers in Genesis. Ken Ham (the main apologetics guy and founder of the Creation Institute) was there. One thing he said, which I had never thought about, was to use a Bible with realistic pictures.


I don't know that it is necessary at 5 years old, but maybe at 6 or 7? He said that it helps the kids understand that the Bible is true, not just a bunch of made up nice stories. Just something to think about.


All that to say, we have enjoyed The Benginners Bible (like the pp said). We have just started using The Family Time Bible (like another pp suggested) and the kids are enjoying it. The Family Time Bible has realistic pictures but I agree that some that might be scary for sensitive kids: Noah's flood, Abraham sacrificing Isaac, etc.



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Our young ones do enjoy this Bible even though it is geared for older children. This Bible had a big impact on my husband when he was growing up and it is still in print. It is the Bible told in a comic book style format. The Picture Bible. I just got the hardcover--we have already worn out the paperback. Here is a link. http://www.amazon.com/Picture-Bible-Iva-Hoth/dp/0781430550/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1284402795&sr=8-1

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