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We spent time with the Fire dept last night.

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Last night around 10 I thought I could smell natural gas. We don't have gas appliances in this apartment, but the restaurant right below us does. The smell was faint and I wasn't sure if it was because I was used to sitting in it so I call my dh in from another room to see if he could smell it too. He could a little bit so I was getting concerned. The restaurant was closed for the evening so dh went to the apartment down the hall because the woman who lives there also works at the restaurant, but of course it being Saturday night she was not there. After about 30 minutes of trying to figure out what to do the smell got way stronger so we called the fire dept., who were here within 2 minutes. They came up and told us to wait outside while they walked through the place. We had to wake poor dd5 who was totally in a deep sleep and didn't know what was going on, and we went out and stood out front. After much calling and waiting, they were able to track down one of the landlords (who brought keys) and he tracked down the restaurant owner (so he could shut off the alarm after). Turns out he had a burned out pilot light in one of the cookers, so they shut of his gas for the night. We were able to go back up after we got the okay from the firemen, but it was kind of scary. All I could visualize was our apt. exploding like you see in movies. Everything is fine today though, we got the apartment air out and the restaurant is open and running.

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