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Weekly Reporter 9/3/10


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Mine isn't so much a weekly report as an attempt to get us back up-to-date so we can have a real weekly report next week.


Here are our homeschool happenings.


I actually have something to report this week even if it is just our plan for the 5th grade. It took me a while to whittle things down. I have a tendency to overbuy, overplan and get overwhelmed. Trying to keep it simple this year.


Link to 5th Grade Plans


Gail and Robin, thanks so much for sharing your weeks/plans with your older kids! I've been trying to find blogs with youngest or only kids my dd's age. I'm going to "follow" your blogs so I don't miss anything :D



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I wanted to comment on your blog, but I couldn't find the comment field.

I have an old-fashioned html blog, so I don't have comments. Thanks for posting one here though.


My boys were looking at your site with me, and they have decided to go to your house for school. :lol: They LOVED the science experiments. And of course, since we're not doing science until the second semester, they're accusing me of not teaching them "real" school stuff. :lol:


LOL! Awww come on over! :D

I think Otter would die if we didn't do science, lol....

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