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WWE 2 with non-readers


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1. Did you do WWE 1? If so, how did that go? If not, I would start there, even with your older child.


2. SWB suggests starting wwe1 when the child can read 4 letter words easily- are your kids there?


3. It's not a spelling exercise, so if they are ready in every other way, just give them the spelling.

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1. Did you do WWE 1? If so, how did that go? If not, I would start there, even with your older child.


2. SWB suggests starting wwe1 when the child can read 4 letter words easily- are your kids there?


3. It's not a spelling exercise, so if they are ready in every other way, just give them the spelling.



We did do WWE 1 and it went well but we didn't do the last 6 weeks because of time.


Both of them can read 4 letter words. However, today's dictation had the words "against & guard(enemy for the 2nd grader)" which they didn't know because we haven't studied those types of words in their reading/spelling programs.


They both did pretty well with the exercise other than spelling those words.

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Both of them can read 4 letter words. However, today's dictation had the words "against & guard(enemy for the 2nd grader)" which they didn't know because we haven't studied those types of words in their reading/spelling programs.



Were those the only words you had to spell in the passage?


Again, it's not a spelling exercise, so I give any necessary spelling help. The only reason I would wait is if stopping to help with spelling interferes with the flow of the passage and makes it more difficult to keep in their heads.

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We're at the end of WWE2 with the 3rd grader and this seems to be the perfect spot. She can do the dictation, spells most of the words correctly, doesn't get stressed about the writing, etc. WWE seems to be one of those programs where later is better...:glare: I really made an effort to take our time through this program and my daughter's writing is becoming incredible (my son's :biggrinjester: writing is horrible, but - hey! It's later is better, right? :lol: Sigh). I would really take my time through WWE. If you're not feeling like they're ready, I would wait.

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When my dd did WWE2 she was reading very well, but spelling...not so much. We had issues with the dictation because of it. I would just write the difficult words on the white board and she did great! She's much better with dictation now and I'm glad that we forged ahead.

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I tend to use the white board method with my now-3rd grader, and I *know* I'll be doing that a lot in a few more weeks with my 2nd grader. Both struggle with spelling to different degrees, yet they do well with the actual concepts being taught in WWE. I don't want to hold them back in that area while we work on the spelling in another program.

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Well, I was left confuzzled after doing it today. I read through the instructions again and in one paragraph it says to not let them misspell words. Then the next paragraph it says that if they ask how to spell to tell them that it's not a spelling exercise. :confused:


I had not been worrying about spelling, but I guess I will pre-read and spell words on the white board, also.

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1. Did you do WWE 1? If so, how did that go? If not, I would start there, even with your older child.


2. SWB suggests starting wwe1 when the child can read 4 letter words easily- are your kids there?


3. It's not a spelling exercise, so if they are ready in every other way, just give them the spelling.


Hmmm, this was recommended to me recently but my ds is not reading four letter words yet. Glad to know this.

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