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HELP-Questions about Kindle (dh bought me one but I'm not sure I needed one!)

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I'm an avid reader and I get most of my books from our excellent library system, and in the rare case they don't have something, I get it used for cheap on Amazon.


Dh thoughtfully got me the newest Kindle (3rd version) for a surprise. So adorable! But I really don't want to pay now to buy books for Kindle that I can just get at my library!


It's not that I don't want to pay, really. That's not the issue at all. It's just that I don't see much available for Kindle that are the type of books that I read. I see there are a lot of free books available, but none of them look like they'd interest me. Plus I don't read a lot of the "latest" bestsellers. The main books I buy because the library doesn't carry them are nonfiction or fiction Christian books (my latest is God's Smuggler;just read "I Dared to Call Him Father"-both "older" books), or books about education that I want to own (ie-Liping Ma's book about teaching math, also just bought Science Matters, a book for laymen about science, etc.), and NONE of these types come on Kindle!


There are also some specific books that I'd like to have on Kindle-I'd love to have my favorite version of the Bible (ESV Single-Column reference Bible) on the Kindle, but they don't offer it. Even a lot of my Bible reference books that I'd like on Kindle are not available that way. Am I missing something-is there a way to get the books that I WANT onto Kindle? I have no problem paying for this, if it can be done.


Please tell me I will even use this thing! It was SO sweet that he got it but I don't know if it will be practical for me. (Of course I didn't mention this to him!) I can use the dictionary in it, and also the web browser, at least. What else?

Edited by HappyGrace
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Here is a link to the September free book thread on the Kindle boards. People post free book finds all month, but the books might only be free for a day.


I've found I don't like the Kindle for reference-y books that I like to flip through (ie, the Bible, TWTM, etc). I use my Kindle all the time. I read mostly classics on it, though I've also read a couple modern fiction, Christian fiction, and some non-fiction books on it as well. I haven't bought a book for it yet, I just get the free downloads.

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Here's a thread about downloading electronic library books to a Kindle:



I don't have a Kindle (or other electronic reader) because I get most of my books from the library. I don't tend to re-read books either, so I try not to buy them if I can borrow them instead.


Not sure how helpful the above thread will be, but it's something I've been meaning to do a little research on because being able to download books from the library would probably be my main use of an e-reader.

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Search penny books. There are tons of the classics on there for less than a dollar. Often they are collections of a writer's books so you get several books for that dollar.


I'm not sure what type of book you like, but I determined to read through the "classics" so I'll be prepared for my kids when they get older. I got a little sidetracked, but I've spent maybe $50 on books in the last six months instead of $50/month like I did before.


Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Anne Bronte, Thomas Hardy, George Elliot (sp?), Agatha Christy, Steinbeck, G.K. Chesterton, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens - you get the idea. I've read many books by each author and discovered that the book they are famous for is quite often not my favorite. Thomas Hardy wrote Tess of D'oidioid (whatever it is). HOwever, he wrote many, many good books that I'd never heard of. I've spent almost a month reading just Hardy - and I read A LOT.

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Also, here's a way to find deeply discounted Kindle books:


Go to this website:




type in books and 90-99 percent off.


Then, on the Amazon page, on the far laft column, click Kindle books.


I'm slightly embarrassed to admit how many $1-3 books I have accumulated from doing this. :tongue_smilie:

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