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Potty Training is undone. . . . . :((

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I'm so frustrated. My 3 yo dd was potty trained. And then the 18 month old arrived and she started peeing in her pants and now three weeks after his arrival she's pooping again in her pants. :banghead::banghead:


I know this is normal, right? But how do I get her cooperation again? I gave up and put her in a pull up today because it's just nuts with wiping up her messes for eat time she toilets.

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Soooo sorry....for each of my kids they have had some reverting stages with younger kids coming in. I like the idea of having her help train the 18 mo old. Is the 18 mo old foster son requiring a LOT of attention from you? She may just be looking for any reason to get that attention from you and she knows she is getting it by going in her pants. Make a point to spend some extra personal time with her. When my son reverted I set up a chart and he would put a sticker on the chart and at the end of each row I drew a picture of something he earned. At the end of 7 times pottying with no accidents he would get whatever reward I drew on there....some of my rewards were "a new toothbrush, candy bar, coloring crayons, coloring book, bubbles, etc...with the final reward some small toy he wanted. I kept everything at just a couple bucks a pop. This was motivating for him because I had it all handy so when he hit the reward it was right there...it took two times through the chart to really get him solidly back on schedule.


Good luck!

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Oh, dear. I have no idea what to tell you. Schmooey and I are not doing so well in the PT department and I don't have a cute little 18 month old running around that might have caused the problem. :D


:grouphug: I like KidsHappen's suggestion of talking to her about it - tell her you really need her to be a big girl now that you have the "baby" to deal with. I don't know if that will help. I don't think Isaac would buy it. But, it's worth a try!

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Has she taken a tumble recently? My dd is progressing much better now her spine has been put back where it ought to be and the nerves aren't squashed.





hmmm . . . this might be. She's takes a tumble daily. Her bottom is all broken out too because of the diapers, rashy. :confused: She never got that before but after wearing panties maybe her body's just doesn't like it either.

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Have you tried to talk to her about how should be a big help with potty training the younger by showing him what to do and when to do it. Maybe that will motivated here to take control of this issue.


I'm not sure he's ready for this. I just weaned him from his bottle that he arrived with. I suppose I could try.


If he stays beyond the scheduled return date I'll have to give it a whirl.

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Soooo sorry....for each of my kids they have had some reverting stages with younger kids coming in. I like the idea of having her help train the 18 mo old. Is the 18 mo old foster son requiring a LOT of attention from you? She may just be looking for any reason to get that attention from you and she knows she is getting it by going in her pants. Make a point to spend some extra personal time with her. When my son reverted I set up a chart and he would put a sticker on the chart and at the end of each row I drew a picture of something he earned. At the end of 7 times pottying with no accidents he would get whatever reward I drew on there....some of my rewards were "a new toothbrush, candy bar, coloring crayons, coloring book, bubbles, etc...with the final reward some small toy he wanted. I kept everything at just a couple bucks a pop. This was motivating for him because I had it all handy so when he hit the reward it was right there...it took two times through the chart to really get him solidly back on schedule.


Good luck!

chocolate helped before so maybe I need to bring in the sticker chart. I'll give that a try today.

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I'm sure that you've carved out some extra time to be with her just one-on-one, but since jealousy/insecurity over attention seems a likely culprit, I would take her potty problems as a cue that it's not quite enough yet and increase your one-on-one time with her. You might even ask her if she would like to pretend that she's a baby again, and "play baby" during your special times together. A lot of preschoolers get a kick out of drinking out of a bottle, for instance. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but when we had foster children, letting them be the emotional age they were feeling a few times often helped them get over a hump and move on to older behavior. (We had a 12 year old who used to ask to be "carried around like a baby." My husband did that for a while and his requests stopped. It didn't make him more baby-like, but less.)


I would also go back to a system of rewards when she uses the toilet. At a minimum, lavish praise from you.


Give her a doll to change whenever you change the 18 month old and talk with her about her doll as you change the 18 month old. Iow, she gets attention even when you're changing him. Don't give the 18 mo old a lot of attention during diapering.


Try really hard to give no attention to changing her. Don't talk. No eye contact.


I don't think this is a potty-training issue. I think it's either an attention or security issue.

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