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any art glass lovers here?

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I'm drooling. I spent hours and hours picking out pendant lights for our addition and now I'm on sconces. I get hung up on the little details. It's all those little details that matter! I refuse to burn holes in our pocket entirely on all the lights so I'm sticking to a budget for the pendants. The sconces, however, will be on either side of the fireplace mantle. I've fallen in love with these but dh thinks they're too delicate. I don't think so........ I already have a display of glass art but the expensive pieces are on the wall right by the front door. They've done fine!


I *LOVE* bold colors and I love *different* and these are both. Look at the pic of the glass close up. :drool5: If I choose these, it's back to square one for sconces. I've probably spent close to 40 hours so far looking for just the right ones! I finally got some picked out that dh and I both liked and now I find these sconces. Dh is a little irritated. That's ok, he'll get over it. :rolleyes: BTW, the sconces are going to be an accent piece only. The 6 pendant lights and ceiling fan w/light will be the main lighting.


Anyway, do you think these will be too delicate:




If you love/collect art glass and you know of a supplier for lighting, please let me know. For art glass alone, please DO NOT POST. It's my ONE weakness when it comes to shopping.

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I have a small collection of etched glass. I used to save my money every year (and this cost about half my yearly income) to buy off the lady at our local fair. Each year when I showed up again she'd tell me she'd been waiting for me :) and each year she'd tell me she wouldn't be at the next one because she'd have died by then. And one year she wasn't there. :(


I have them packed away in the shed and am waiting for the day I have my own place and the kids have grown a bit so I can display them. My hubby doesn't understand at all, so I'm very happy to meet someone else who would appreciate them if she could see them!


(And this story is safe because you wouldn't have bought glass from Australia anyway.)


I don't think the pretties in your link look too delicate.




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Just popping in that a few years ago I saw a really neat documentary film about Dale Chihuly. Well worth seeking out. My kids were entranced.


Also, just go ahead & fly to Venice & go out shopping on Murano. Why not? :D


You can call me enabler :lol:


My husband will be happy to hear that you don't live near me. You rescue animals and adopt them out AND you're an enabler. He'd be SO worried. ;)


How is Bear?

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so I just googled good ole Dale and...... WOW!!! I was looking at those last night! I drooled for a bit and moved on. Too dangerous.


I have been to glass art studios with YOUNG kids. I was a WRECK. THOUSANDS of dollars for a small piece. But they sure were pretty!


I checked into getting a kiln set up in my hayloft and almost took dichroic class classes.:drool5: It will have to wait. I'm afraid I couldn't practice self control and I'd be out there All The Time.

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How is Bear?


Bear is in limbo.


The dipahragmatic hernia repair was a total success, & his liver is now working fine.


BUT, he has joint problems & apparently some neurological deficits - he walks funny & he has some issues with stairs etc. We don't know if the neuro issues are degenerative or not ... & so we're kind of stumped about whether he's adoptable or not. Of course, he doesn't care - he's a happy boy :)

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Bear is in limbo.


The dipahragmatic hernia repair was a total success, & his liver is now working fine.


BUT, he has joint problems & apparently some neurological deficits - he walks funny & he has some issues with stairs etc. We don't know if the neuro issues are degenerative or not ... & so we're kind of stumped about whether he's adoptable or not. Of course, he doesn't care - he's a happy boy :)


Oh, poor Bear! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope his issues aren't degenerative. If they're not, there will still be someone out there for him:




then again, maybe he's home? ;)


(Wiggles also stole my heart!!!)

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Rosie, you may not have to wait until the kids are GONE, that would be a LONG time! How about a display case to put at least SOME of your favorite pieces in? My kids have never opened my display cases over the year.




Ds is only 19 months so I think they are safer in the shed for the time being. I'd never rest easily unless I had a security system attached to the cabinet and that'd cost more than the glass did! They are so beautiful. She did ships and roses, but most of what I have are Australian animals. So nice!




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We live by an excellent gallery--and they have special seating where you can watch them blow the glass--and they will 'talk' to you while they work... COOL!


We have some of their pieces (China Red collection) and have given a few table lamps as gifts (parents...).


Don't kill me for the link! But you could come visit me and the gallery too!


Wimberley Glass Works

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Ds is only 19 months so I think they are safer in the shed for the time being. I'd never rest easily unless I had a security system attached to the cabinet and that'd cost more than the glass did! They are so beautiful. She did ships and roses, but most of what I have are Australian animals. So nice!





wow! Pretty! I will have to come over for tea one day and take a looksie. ;)

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We live by an excellent gallery--and they have special seating where you can watch them blow the glass--and they will 'talk' to you while they work... COOL!


We have some of their pieces (China Red collection) and have given a few table lamps as gifts (parents...).


Don't kill me for the link! But you could come visit me and the gallery too!


Wimberley Glass Works


Those lamps are TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!! They are SOOOOOOO cool!!! Those are something I could save for when the kids move out.


Wait........ I'll probably be a grandmother by the time the last one goes.


You are rotten for posting that link, and I'm very thankful!!!!!!!:lol:

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