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Lulu, what are your favorite items?


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OK - here's a resource that I just discovered on Lulu for homeschooling MOMS: "Laughter in My Living Room" by Allison Heykoop. It's basically a collection of blog postings by this homeschooling mother of seven. I just ordered it as a birthday present for a friend of mine, but you know what? It's wonderful! I might have the whole thing read before I actually GIVE it to her! Very funny and encouraging too. LOVE it!


Lulu is really fun. I've published a lot of stuff privately just for my own family on there. I recently discovered how to publish my digital scrapbooks there, so now I put together all my pages from the past year and publish a family "yearbook" just by uploading it to Lulu. Fun! I also put together all the stories from my co-op writing classes, make a really professional cover, send it to Lulu, and at the end of the year present my students with a book that they wrote all by themselves, of all of their own stories, and it actually looks like it could be in a real bookstore. They love it.


One suggestion: search on Lulu for "homeschool" and see what pops up. I like to do that once in awhile. You can find some neat stuff.

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I really don't know much about how Lulu works at all. I'd suggest starting with the information on their website about publishing/buying/selling etc.:http://www.lulu.com/


I found out about the book I listed above because I was at a homeschool convention at which the author spoke, and she directed us to Lulu when she sold out of copies of her book. Also, those homeschoolers with websites could market/advertise through their websites.


Other than that... not sure how'd you go about it. Perhaps send free copies to a couple of well-known homeschoolers who have websites and get them to review/promote your book??


BEST of luck to your friend! Warmly, Lori D.

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How do you find the marketing support of LuLu? I have a friend who is considering them for a book she wrote. Also looking at iUniverse. Thanks!




Hi Mary,


I publish my books through Lulu. I have to tell you, I do NOT recommend their "marketing support." They do offer a marketing package through which they purchase an ISBN number for your book (in other words, they do the work to purchase the number for you; you can do this yourself at bowkers.com), then they will list your book for you at Barnes&Noble.com and Amazon.com and the like, help you price your book at distributor's prices, etc. Now the problem comes right there - they will recommend that you price the book VERY high because all those other people that will be selling your book, such as Amazon.com for example, want to make money off of your book too. Then Lulu wants to make money for printing the book, and you need to make some royalties off of your book. When I was considering their marketing package, their suggested price for one of my books was more than twice as high as I wanted to price it. I knew that price would put me right out of the homeschooling market. So I opted out of their marketing package altogether and all they do is print the book for me. My website sends my customers to Lulu where they can order the book. Or people can find the books by going straight to Lulu's site and searching for them. I decide what the price is, based on what it costs Lulu to print the book alone. And I am in charge of distributing the book after that. I am also free to have the books printed at other printers and distribute them that way; Lulu does not hold exclusive rights, or any rights for that matter, to the books.


If your friend decides to go with Lulu, that would probably be the best way to go.


I hope that helped, and didn't confuse! Sorry I am not familiar with iUniverse.

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I just purchased 2 books from simply charlotte mason at lulu,


one is a personal calendar here is a link,




the other is a book on teaching habits to your kids called "Laying down the rails" by the same author. They both came yesterday, both are spiral bound, which I like....they look really good.


I also have purchased CW at lulu and This country of ours which is an Ambleside online history read...I've been pleased with the quality.

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