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The county fair...happy and sad....part 2

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Yesterday, I posted this:

My eldest dd was helping the judges at the fair grounds today. I took a peek when I picked her up...


She got a best of show ribbon for her scrapbook.

My youngest dd got a best of show ribbon for her grape jelly.


My middle dd got lots of ribbons but not a best of show.


Only the oldest knows the results. My middle dd is going to be a bit let down that her oldest sis and youngest sis got bests and she didn't. She's been hoping for one of those big purple ribbons for a couple years....




We are baking with middle dd to see if I she can win a best in the culinary tomorrow. (fingers crossed)


funny that I can feel excited and disappointed all at the same time.




Here's the rest of the story...


Today we went to the fair to drop off our culinary and my kids got to see the results of their other entries.


My middle dd was disappointed for herself, but it didn't turn into a pity party and she was able to be very happy for her sisters.


When we went to Sonic afterward, she said something that made me SO PROUD!


(lately we've been using a devotional book with scripture memory in it. The verses are arranged by temptation "when I am tempted to do ___I remember ___ (bible verse)\


At sonic she said, "well, I'm tempted to feel sorry for myself, but I'll remember "My help comes from the Lord the Maker of Heaven and Earth"


I told her I was prouder of her at that moment than I would have been if she'd won dozens of purple ribbons.


And I was.

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At sonic she said, "well, I'm tempted to feel sorry for myself, but I'll remember "My help comes from the Lord the Maker of Heaven and Earth"


I told her I was prouder of her at that moment than I would have been if she'd won dozens of purple ribbons.


And I was.


As well you should be! Give that girl an extra hug today:grouphug:

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Went back this afternoon!


All 3 of my dd's got best of shows today;


DD1 got a best of show in her age category for Pecan Pie

DD2 got best of show in her age category for Apple Pie

DD3 got best of show for her flower!






ETA: I have 3 dd's; not just 2...:)

Edited by fairfarmhand
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