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Suggestions for 2nd grade Spelling & English


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I'm starting to prepare for 2nd grade in the fall and was hoping for some great spelling & English suggestions. 6.5 yr old dd does SSR&W and we do the spelling tests on those, but it doesn't seem like the words "stick". Is 2nd grade a good time to introduce a more formal spelling curriculum?


And when is a good time to start English? Is 2nd grade too soon? SSR&W sort of touches on some basic things (verb, noun, subject).


Any help is appreciated!




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It's hard to suggest something at times b/c it really depends on your overall goals and what type of homeschool you have. I can share what we've done in 2nd but it may be not what works for you.


We started with Spelling Workout in first grade like WTM suggests and dropped it this year in the first half of SWO C. We're holding off on spelling instruction until 3rd grade because after reading and researching the hows and whys of spelling instruction, I realized we were just wasting our time with SWO.


2nd grade LA


1. Explode the Code

We started with Book 5 based on where I felt my dd needed to start, she's on book 6 now and we'll continue until she finishes book 8. I use the TM and teach her each week, 2x a week. She completes 2 pages of a lesson a day, 4x a week unless she chooses to complete the pages faster but I still teach 2x a week.


2. Reading

Dd7 reads a chapter (or 20 minutes) daily a book of her choosing, a chapter of either a history or science book daily and share reading in other subjects like Bible. I read aloud an average of 1 hour to 2 hours to her daily.


3. Poetry Memorization

She illustrates, copies and memorizes one poem at a time, we informally discuss the poem's meaning before she illustrates the poem. She copies the poem in cursive handwriting unless we're hurried for some reason and I allow her to print. Sloppy work is unacceptable.


4. Primary Language Lessons by Emma Serl, updated by Margot Davidson

Picture study, copywork, poetry (we read only) memorization, dictation, compositions, informal grammar through application, letter writing, etc. She has a lesson 4x a week and does a bit of writing with this.


Of course LA is integrated into our other subjects as well. We'll use Simply Spelling by Laurie Hicks in 3rd grade after she finishes Book 8 of Explode the Code.


:) Hope this helps, it's hard to know what to suggest.

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I think sometimes it takes longer than a year (or two, or even three, lol) to know if something is "sticking."


My first recommendation would be the Spalding Method (Writing Road to Reading is the manual), which is a complete English course: spelling, reading, penmanship, capitalization & punctuation, and composition.


My second would be Rod and Staff's Spelling by Sound and Structure and Preparing to Build (2nd gr. English text).

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LLATL. You have spelling, grammar, phonics, reading, etc. all in one book. I JUST got a copy of it and I'm so excited to start w/ my ds6! Having everything all in one book is just so nice for simplicity's sake, KWIM? I have LLATL for my older dc as well, but am adding another spelling component (AAS or SWO) and more grammar (ds8 - FLL3, DS9 - GWG5 and dd11 - R&S6) and writing (wt1 or 2 for ds8 and 9 and dd11 will have Jump In and LL7).


For 2nd, you really don't *need* formal grammar. If you choose to "piece together" your own curriculum...FLL 1 /2 would be a nice, *easy* start to grammar and AAS would be something to look into for spelling. HTH

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Here are our 2nd grade LA plans depending on strenght in each subject:


Below Average:


Explode the Code 2 and 3


Read alouds

Handwriting Without Tears 2

Informal French

Poetry memorization

Copywork across the curric.

Language Lessons for the Very Young





Explode the Code 5 and 6


Read alouds

Handwriting Without Tears 3

Informal French

Poetry memorization

Copywork across the curric.

Primary Language Lessons



Above Average:


Explode the Code or informal spelling


Read alouds

Handwiriting Without Tears 3

Informal French

Poetry memorization

Copywork across the curric.

Primary Language Lessons


Classiacl Writing Aesop A


I'll pick and choose from each category depending on dc's needs.

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