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If you consider yourself the overall "keeper of your home"...

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I don't expect my dh to notice the sorts of little things that bug me around the house. I know he doesn't care see dusty baseboards and he won't wipe under the breadbox when he cleans the kitchen at night. He doesn't mind pitching in to help anytime I ask though. All I have to say is, "Hey, babe. Can you __________ (run the vacuum, swap the laundry around, make the bed, etc). There is pretty much nothing he won't do around the house when I ask.

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DH handles all the yard work and the maintenance/repairs on the cars. He also does repairs/maintenance on the house. I haven't changed a lightbulb in years! :) He will occasionally unload/load the dishwasher, but that's about it for housework. I'm fine with that. I think he does his fair share around here.

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My DH works full time. However, when we decided to home school we knew that teaching the kids would be my full time job. So, we both have full time jobs even though I am at home. He knows what my days are like and says he would not want to be in my shoes. ;)


He cooks most meals as I hate to cook. If he sees something that needs to be done, like dishes, laundry, or dirty toilet, he'll do it.


He does not vacuum. He hates it. Fine by me because I like to vacuum. I'd rather vacuum hours instead of cook.


He cooks. I vacuum. Perfect match.


Oh, he also does not clean kitchen counters. I think he thinks kitchen counters are self cleaning. :lol:

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My DH and I have agreed - as a general rule - that he takes care of the outside and I take care of the inside. So...he mows the lawn, takes care of exterior maintenance (he just painted the deck last week), etc.


I take care of most of the house cleaning on a day-to-day basis. However, our whole family does kitchen clean-up after dinner (so he'll load the dishwasher after dinner and sometimes sweep) and he also does laundry when he sees it needs to be done. But, he'll obliviously walk around toys and other stuff in the middle of the floor and I don't remember him EVER cleaning a bathroom in the 10+ years we've been together...


It used to bother me more when I was still working full-time (because we had the same arrangement then - only I was also working 45+ hours a week outside the home just like he was) - but now that I'm home full-time, I feel like the arrangement we have works well for us...


I do have to give him credit - he NEVER complains on those days when I haven't been able to get anything done and the house is a mess when he comes home. I feel pretty lucky in that regard... :)

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Hi Everyone,

You know it really is a toss for us. Dh works long hours, and he rides his motorcycle to and from work (about 45 minutes both ways) so that we can use the car. Dh does this in the rain, cold, for us. This reason alone gives me a great desire to make things easier for him. However, on days that are crazy, and it 9:30 at night and I still haven't finished the laundry, or he just leaves the bathroom in total disarray, I want to scream. Especially, if it is that time of the month. Yet, he is my best-friend, and everything he does, well, he does for us!! I truly believe you'll get into the swing. It is really hard if you've worked and this is your first time staying home. For me, it was like a major identity crisis, and it did take time for things (us) to settle in. I spent my whole life either in school, working, or both. It was not until dd was in 2nd-grade that I knew I had to hs. It will come together, just breathe.


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Jennifer, this is absolutely how I feel!!!


I'm in charge of most things since I'm home more, but all I need to do is ask, and he will help. He automatically does the dishes for the most part if he sees the sink/dishwasher full. He does the trash on his own & will often throw in laundry for me or fold the clean clothes that are sitting in the dryer. He bathes and puts the boys to bed for me since by that point, I need a break. He also does all the yard work because he loves yard work.


I am very blessed to have the husband I have.


Thanks for saying it so eloquently!!


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MY Dh is home full time. He does the veggie gardening ( bigger than a tennis court) and looks after all the outside stuff, he also does all the car maintenance, and house repairs. once a week he cooks dinner, and if I am out at basketball late, he will bring in the laundry from the line. He is my herro, and is just an amazing person!

If he starts tidying up in the house I feel real shame, I feel that it must be so dirty that he has stepped in.


Mind you ,I don't bother to collect coffee mugs that he leaves all over the property. The younger kids joke that he has planted them, and that they grow(multiply).

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My dh does the garbage and recycling all the time, shovels the snow, takes care of the yard, empties the dishwasher and runs it half the time, and regularly cleans the kitchen, including the microwave which I hardly ever get to. He's kinda OCD so he does a really, really good job. He can do laundry if I want him to, but I really enjoy that job so it's usually mine. He cleans bathrooms too, and will get right down with Lysol wipes and clean behind the toilet and around the toilet, etc. Quite meticulous he is. Problem is, because he's so OCD it takes a LONG time for him to do these things. I still appreciate it, so I shut up and count my blessings. He takes each kid out one night a week for a "date", and does the sweetest devotions with my dd before bed. They'll chat and read and pray and cuddle and before we know it, almost 2 hours have gone by. The long and short of it: yes, my dh will typically do something that he sees needs doing... if he has the time & energy for it.

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I take care of the inside of the house; he takes care of the outside of the house (and that includes garbage, cars, etc.). He's happy to pitch in if I need help with something. There isn't much time for him to do much! He gets home at 6:15. We eat 6:30-7:30. He *has* to exercise vigorously for 40 minutes or he gets migraines so that and a shower takes over an hour, 8:00-9:00. *Has* to be in bed by 9:30 so he can get up early and go to synagogue every morning before work. So that only leaves one whole hour per evening!


When I go out in the evening to the grocery store or on another errand, I always tell him I would much rather come home to a sink of dirty dishes and a household of children that got some great time in with their papa. He happily obliges, and so do the kids. Saturdays are all about shabbos/day of rest and we're busy at our synagogue and visiting friends (and we CAN'T do house stuff, errands, etc.). Sunday is split between doing a nice family outing and getting things done around the house. With a limited amount of discretionary time, I'd rather he spend time playing with the kids than anything else. Makes him happy too. So... that's what works for us!

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