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Dry skin

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Dd has extremely dry skin. VERY dry skin. She just found a patch on her knee that was peeling, it looked like what skin does after being sunburned, only she hasn't been.


She has psoriasis too. Bless her heart, she's afraid she'll end up with Psoriatic Arthritis like me.


Anyone else have skin this dry? What do you use? Ever spontaneously peeled?? She's almost in tears.

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I don't have skin that dry, but have heard that avocado oil is an excellent moisturizer and really good for dry skin. Maybe just pick up or order some and try using it as a lotion? I personally like grapeseed oil or coconut oil...but they might not be heavy enough. I'd look for unrefined or cold pressed if possible.

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Dd has extremely dry skin. VERY dry skin. She just found a patch on her knee that was peeling, it looked like what skin does after being sunburned, only she hasn't been.


She has psoriasis too. Bless her heart, she's afraid she'll end up with Psoriatic Arthritis like me.


Anyone else have skin this dry? What do you use? Ever spontaneously peeled?? She's almost in tears.



Udder cream for the dry skin. It's the only thing that keep my fingers from cracking and bleeding in winter.


My mil used to have good results for her psoriasis with raw aloe. Other than that, I've not had any experience with it. Is she taking a prescription or anything for it that might be causing some dry skin issues?


Just a thought...

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My dermatologist reccomended CeraVe Cream, not the lotion, the cream. Lotions contain alcohol and are drying. You can find it in the face cleanser section at Wal-Mart, not by the regular hand lotion but by the facial lotions like Oil-of-Olay.

He also reccomended that I use Cetaphil Bar Cleanser. Don't use washcloths or scrubbers. Also no liquid cleansers because they contain alcohol which is drying.

Bathe in lukewarm water daily, don't skip because you think it's drying it is actually better for your skin to be moistened daily. Then as soon as she gets out of the shower apply the moisturizer. She may also need to get a prescription for a steroid cream to apply under the mosturizer. You might try OTC hydrocortisone and see if it works if you are trying to avoid a trip to the docotor. Have her apply the steroid if needed and mosturize again before bed. The steroid is for when the symptoms are active, the rest is daily. Especially when there are not symptoms. That means the treatment is working.


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Bathe in lukewarm water daily, don't skip because you think it's drying it is actually better for your skin to be moistened daily. Then as soon as she gets out of the shower apply the moisturizer.

:iagree: My son has very severe eczema and always has dry, red, peeling skin. It itches very badly, so he is constantly scratching to the point that he makes it bleed and ooze - hands, feet, and behind the joints are particularly bad. We were told to avoid baths (the idea is that as the water dries, it dries out their skin more, I guess), and we have tried everything from prescription ointments to natural methods like coconut oil and some cream made from colostrum as well as every lotion and cream on the skin care aisle. Nothing made a significant difference to him.

About a month ago, I started having him take daily baths. I actually have it scheduled into our school day, and he loves it. He goes and plays in a tub full of tepid water while I work on writing with dd for about a half hour, and then I put Aveeno cream on him afterward. His skin has never looked better. It has been amazing. He is not as itchy, and his skin is the healthiest it has been in over 4 1/2 years. It is still dry and always will be, but it is healing and he is no longer constantly uncomfortable.

This has been an absolute breakthrough for us. I don't know if it will help you, but I wanted to share our experience.

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My dermatologist reccomended CeraVe Cream, not the lotion, the cream. Lotions contain alcohol and are drying. You can find it in the face cleanser section at Wal-Mart, not by the regular hand lotion but by the facial lotions like Oil-of-Olay.


I've gotten CeraVe at my dermatologist as well, although I'm using the lotion - it's much easier for me than the cream.


I teach with chalk in the evenings and in the winter have had my knuckles cracked and bleeding. What really worked was Lansinoh - the lanolin for nursing. I figured if it healed cracked nipples, it was worth a try for my hands. You've got to be really careful what you touch or you stick, but it was amazing.


The CeraVe works great as long as I avoid getting to the really damaged skin phase. When I'm there, out comes the Lansinoh!


Hope your daughter feels better soon.

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