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My dd doesn't want to continue with do Apologia...

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My two oldest children have used Apologia with no problems beyond just staying on track. My third child has done General Science and is 3/4 the way through Physical Science. She doesn't want to stay with Apologia for biology. She says she finds the Apologia books overwhelming in the amount of reading and has a difficult time keeping up because she has to do a lot of re-reading to comprehend the material.


I'm wondering if anyone has some non-Apologia suggestions for biology. I've read some good comments about BJU but it sounds like it might be even more rigorous than Apologia. My oldest used Abeka before starting Apologia in 9th grade but that was years ago and I'm not familiar with their high school texts.




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My ds used the A Beka biology text last year. We had the benefit of a weekly lab class taught by a professor, which added a lot of fun and interest and kept me from having to do the dissections at home. Ugh! However, ds liked the text and in fact, just asked for it recently because he wanted to look up some fact he remembered reading about last year. It's a keeper. You can always order the kit from home science tools to do the labs, or I think A Beka might also have a DVD of the labs if you and your dd are so inclined.

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I would just say that if she really doesn't like Apologia you should investiage other options!


My older two kids absoltely hated Apologia. They practically went on a sit-down strike. I have never quite understood why they disliked it so passionately, but they did! We switched curriculums and they have been reasonably happy with everything else we have done for science, so I know that they werenot just whining for the sake of whining.

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What curriculum did you switch to? My dd isn't crazy about science in general and she didn't put forth her best effort with General Science last year. I told her we'd stick with Apologia Physical Science this year and if she did put her all into it and still didn't like the text we'd go shopping for something different. So that's where we are right now. She's in Module 11 right now and we'll finish off the year. Now I'm looking for ideas on what to use for biology next year.

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My oldest used BJUP Biology. It may be more rigorous, but the attraction is that it is more colorful and therefore more interesting to look at! My second is using Holt Biology which is also more colorful than Apologia and more entertaining to read than BJUP.




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Instead of starting with cells and working up from there, it starts with living organisms and works down from there. So it starts with most engaging, observable biology and works down to the cell level.


Don't know whether it meets all of the college prep requirements, though. Isn't there some controversy about BJU not being accepted by a lot of colleges? Is that a problem for Abeka, too?

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Next year we will use Holt's Biology: Visualizing Life text with the directed worksheets, thinking skills worksheets, and chapter tests by Holt as well.


We will also use the Thinkwell Biology lectures to supplement.


Gwen, What will you use for lab? What made you choose Holt over Campbell -- or SWB's recommendation?


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Lab.....lab.....lab.....ummmmm.......we are (cough, cough) not (hang head in shame) doing (cough, cough) any labs........


Dd1 did biology through U. Nebrask Online High School, and labs weren't part of the course. She only did labs for one of her sciences -- AP physics -- and it wasn't an issue with college acceptances. (Well, maybe that's why she didn't get into Princeton! :001_smile:)


Ds1 did bio through Scholars Online and he didn't do any labs with the course. He did do labs with his AP chemistry and AP physics.


So in keeping with the tradition set by my older two kids, we're not doing biology labs next year either. I always said that I wouldn't have any dismembered dead animals on my kitchen counter, and so far I have been able to stick with this vow.


I do admire all you moms who do do biology labs!


We have the Holt text because dd1 used it with the U Neb bio course she took. It's an adequate text, so I am taking the lazy route and not investigating any other options. If I didn't already own the Holt, I would definitely investigate the Campbell's book.

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Lab.....lab.....lab.....ummmmm.......we are (cough, cough) not (hang head in shame) doing (cough, cough) any labs........



Your secret is safe w/ us :)


Is there a reason you chose not to do Virtual labs for bio? I'm forecasting out the next year or so. I'm tossing around the idea of my soon-to-be-8th grader doing Bio over 2 years instead of 1 (8th & 9th). Physical Science for 8th just isn't sounding exciting. Plus, Bio seems to a lot to cram/digest in one year.


Anyway, thanks Gwen for responding.


Thank you, Newsong, for letting me hi-jack your thread :)

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bumping for Gwen (yoo-hoo, Gwen!) :)


Also, here is an email from UofW admissions office to me in response to my question about virtual labs:


Your email was forwarded to me. We will use a virtual lab course to meet

the lab requirement providing the course is a general biology course with a

lab experience.


Go Dawgs!



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I am considering doing some virtual labs next year.


I didn't do any labs with my older two kids because they did biology through online classes, and I didn't have the energy to supplement the courses.


Your letter from UW is wonderful -- I had no idea that virtual labs could count for anything anywhere! Is that a felief for you?


Do you have any online labs that you are excited about? I'd love a suggestion or two!

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Your letter from UW is wonderful -- I had no idea that virtual labs could count for anything anywhere! Is that a felief for you?


Do you have any online labs that you are excited about? I'd love a suggestion or two!



Yes, I am relieved to hear from a bona-fide university that virtual labs will work. I am still researching this topic.


Thanks again for your responses :)

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it but I haven't been thrilled with the General Science or Physical Science book myself-we are finishing with PS in about a month. My son has been working through those classes in an online course at pottersschooldotcom-and they have been extremely difficult-almost to the point of college level, and for a 7th grader (last year-it was soooo hard). We also found some discrepancies in GS-the 1st edition ("most" changed to "some" to "all"--annoying). The school that has been grading him has been ruthless-so it has been difficult, but he says he thinks it has been good for him. I am not going through the class next year, but I have bought the Biology text and plan to follow the sonlight IG. I am so glad that others have changed-I just couldn't figure out any other text to use-Apologia comes so highly rated-and it is very good, just not a great fit for all kids. So, anyway, thanks for bringing this discussion up!

Michelle :thumbup:

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I wanted to throw this out there, and ignore it if it doesn't apply. I am a visual dyslexic (not saying you dd is), so that means I have a hard time with reading and comprehension. If I can get a text on audio though I am good to go. I mention it because Apologia does sell the texts on audio. Could that be a fix for your dd?


Hope you find a good solution!






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My daughter likes Zoology, so she's reading the "Exploring Creation with Zoology" books 1, 2, & 3. Have you considered A.C.E.? (If you want Christian curriculum). My children have enjoyed Accelerated Christian Education because it is divided into 12 work booklets about 30 pages each, so they aren't overwhelemed with a big text book. I haven't gotten to their biology yet, but they have 24 DVD's that go along with their curriculum. Their site is schooloftomorrow dot com.

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Next year we will use Holt's Biology: Visualizing Life text with the directed worksheets, thinking skills worksheets, and chapter tests by Holt as well.


We will also use the Thinkwell Biology lectures to supplement.


Gwen, I'm not sure where you are on the Christian believer/non-believer spectrum, but I've been disappointed in BVL, which we chose this year over Apologia (neither my son nor I care for Apologia's approach). Even as a believer, I'm open to using secular texts, especially to expose my students to controversial issues. However, I have to say I was disappointed in BVL's inclusion in its macro-evolution unit of "evidences" that have long since been discounted as spurious even by secular biologists. Unfortunately, it often takes a long while for current research to trickle down into textbooks. Consequently, I had my son read Of Pandas and People instead of that unit in BVL. We'll get back on track for the rest of the text, but boy, how I wish I could find a biology text that doesn't go to either extreme re the whole evolution debate!:tongue_smilie:


Wondering, by the way, where you obtained worksheets, etc?

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I totally agree with you that the Holt text handles evolution horribly. I hated the way the text changed the definition of science and even of a scientific theory and a scientific law.


However, the textbook did such a horrible job presenting the pro-evolution side of the debate that dd1, who was still undecided on the creation/evolution debate (she considered herself a creationist but only because dh and I are) became a confirmed creationist after working her way through this text.


She figured that if the arguments for evolution were really as weak and as fantastical as they were presented in this text, then she HAD to be a creationist! (God works in mysterious ways!)


I got the worksheets by poking around on the Holt website. The sad thing is that I just tried to re-find the material, and they have totally changed the website since early March! Even after typing in the ISBN, I couldn't find the workbooks. I would call Holt and ask for help if you want the supplementary materials. Sorry I can't point you to the right webpage. I can give you the ISBN's if you are interested.

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possible thread hi-jack....


BJU Biology isn't being accepted by who and on what grounds?



Awhile back there was a news story in California about a small Christian school whose graduates were not accepted into the UofC system because the BJU materials they used did not meet UofC standards/criteria for enrollment. I can't find the link for it. Maybe someone else remembers.


If I recall, the issue was w/ BJU Biology not including enough evolution instruction. Also, the Abeka American Govt text was biased also, according to the UofC. I wish I could remember/find more details.


Needless to say, it prompted quite a discussion on the old high school boards.

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My oldest used Apologia, but my next child prefers using a variety of resources (no texts) -- Muse and Odyssey magazines (both by Carus Publishing), Popluar Science, Popular Mechanics, Exploring the Way Life Works, a book about Darwin and evolution, Invisible Enemies (infectious diseases), and other books that have a science/biology focus (classification, anatomy, etc). He'll continue to read magazines/books that cover biological topics throughout his high school years, as well as other science topics. We're planning to stay away from texts as much as possible.

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