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Those of you who store tomatoes out of the fridge

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Definitely. Once it's cut, then it gets wrapped and put in the fridge. I find small tupperware bowls helpful. If possible, I try to store, for example, entire halves of tomatoes, instead of several slices. But if I have leftover slices, I save those too, but I wouldn't slice them specifically before storing unless I had a compelling reason (ease of sandwich making for young child).

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I keep mine out, cut side down on a plate or piece of wax paper, and try to use it up asap. IMO a refrigerated tomato is a tasteless, mushy, nasty thing. LOL If I can't use it up quickly I will put it in the fridge, and use it for something like an omlette or soup, where the mealy texture and flavorless-ness are lost in the cooking process anyway.

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I keep tomatoes out of the refrigerator unless they're getting close to the point of being over-ripe. Once I cut them, though, I wrap the leftover piece in plastic wrap and refrigerate it. If we haven't eaten it by the next day, it goes into the trash.



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