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Why do I have to be such a tweaker?


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And since I am such a tweaker, why couldn't I have discovered my favorite things and figured out how I would like to use them *before* I had children? I could have written up plans, laid out curricula and had everything ready in an "open and go" format by the time the babes were in K and then just been ready to go. :lol: This would be the ideal alternative to taking everyone else's "open and go" format and changing it until it's not recognizable into a useable form for my family! HA!


Note to self: Tell Dear Friend who just had a baby to get on it (planning her homeschool) so she knows what the heck she's doing when Kindergarten rolls around and she has 3 other babes crawling at her feet!!

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And since I am such a tweaker, why couldn't I have discovered my favorite things and figured out how I would like to use them *before* I had children? I could have written up plans, laid out curricula and had everything ready in an "open and go" format by the time the babes were in K and then just been ready to go. :lol: This would be the ideal alternative to taking everyone else's "open and go" format and changing it until it's not recognizable into a useable form for my family! HA!


Note to self: Tell Dear Friend who just had a baby to get on it (planning her homeschool) so she knows what the heck she's doing when Kindergarten rolls around and she has 3 other babes crawling at her feet!!




I wonder if she'll take your advice? :001_huh:


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And since I am such a tweaker, why couldn't I have discovered my favorite things and figured out how I would like to use them *before* I had children? I could have written up plans, laid out curricula and had everything ready in an "open and go" format by the time the babes were in K and then just been ready to go. :lol: This would be the ideal alternative to taking everyone else's "open and go" format and changing it until it's not recognizable into a useable form for my family! HA!


Note to self: Tell Dear Friend who just had a baby to get on it (planning her homeschool) so she knows what the heck she's doing when Kindergarten rolls around and she has 3 other babes crawling at her feet!!


It wouldn't have worked anyway. I had plans for my first two worked out until high school when they were in preschool and K. Those plans changed Every Single Year through high school.


As they grow, your ideas for how best to teach change. Also, the materials and methods that were/are tweaked to become perfect for the first are somehow not quite right for number 3 or 4. Some of it is because of difference in learning style, but it is also because of the difference in family dynamics. Somehow, the program that was ideal for two boys aged 5 & 6 with no other siblings is not at all right for a very different boy and a girl aged 5 & 7 with two high school brothers.

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I'm a tweaker also and I really don't understand people who are not. How can they just love everything about their curriculum exactly like it is? I've never understood that. But I just want to warn you that tweaking can take away from teaching. This is one of those what I wish I'd known sort of things. I've graduated 2 and am starting over with 2 more. Looking back I realize how much time I wasted trying to make it perfect, time that could have been much better spent teaching. I am really trying to resist the urge this time around, I will always allow myself small changes but I am trying to be more open and go. Also I am allowing someone else to make the plans. Time is valuable and I want to spend every minute I can teaching because 12 years seems like along time but before you know it they will be gone and your time to choose what they learn will be over and you will wonder what happened. Just a thought from a mom who has BTDT.

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Perhaps for your friend's baby shower gift, you could put together a plan for her homeschooling journeys!:D


I understand I'm a tweaker also! When I read that people have put together their lesson plans for the whole year in a week or two, I think how in the world did they do that. Don't they know they need to mix and match three to nine resources, decide which one they will follow the order of how things are presented, match everything else to that one resource, decide which library resources will also be added--of course after they have read about each of these resources on amazon, ect, ect, ect.:D

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