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anyone doing E-mealz?? feedback, reviews? Could this be my answer to prayer??

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Meal planning is NOT MY strength, most of the time 4:30 comes along and I have NO idea what to make for dinner!

So, I was planning on trying to put together my own meal plan but then I saw this (link above) it comes complete with shopping list, and I love that they have a plan for ALDIS since its down the road. But, I have never shopped there, is thier food good?

I like that Aldi's is smaller than walmart, walmart overwhelms me!

Anyways, I would love to hear about how this did or didnt work out for anyone. Also, do they include and crockpot meals?

thanks so much!

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Meal planning is NOT MY strength, most of the time 4:30 comes along and I have NO idea what to make for dinner!

So, I was planning on trying to put together my own meal plan but then I saw this (link above) it comes complete with shopping list, and I love that they have a plan for ALDIS since its down the road. But, I have never shopped there, is thier food good?

I like that Aldi's is smaller than walmart, walmart overwhelms me!

Anyways, I would love to hear about how this did or didnt work out for anyone. Also, do they include and crockpot meals?

thanks so much!

I don't use an internet meal planner. I've never before found one that had food we would eat on a regular basis. Most that I've ever have a lot of processed/convenience foods.


The one in your link looks like something I would use. I'm thinking of trying it for the 3 month period.

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I used e-mealz for a year and loved it. I stopped my subscription for the summer since I don't use oven during the hot TX summer. I can't wait until it cools off enough to start my subscription again. I really miss it.


I have used other menu planning services, (sixoclockscramble and savingdinner). The nice thing about e-mealz is that all the recipes and grocery list print out on two sheets of paper and the meal prep is very simple, (most recipes under 15 minutes to prep). I also thought my grocery bill was less expensive than when I tried the other two services.


I have tried the low-fat, low-carb, vegetarian and points option with e-mealz. The think the points option has the healthiest meals. I also tend to tweak a little by using whole grain pasta, brown rice and whole grain bread. I also refuse to buy Velveta cheese which they use a least once a month. The program comes with 7 recipes, one of which is a crock pot recipe. One recipe is usually some type of brunch dish which my kids love since we rarely used to have Sunday brunch.


Overall I think the meals are okay, but the ease and prep time are wonderful and make it worth while. My dh said the meals are okay but not so great that we overeat - so since we are both trying to watch our weight I guess that is another plus.


If you search on these boards under e-mealz you will find various opinions.

Edited by Ferdie
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I've been using it on and off for about 3 years now. We do the publix plan. We went *off* it when I changed to the points plan bc nothing ever looked good. (still subscribed) Diet food never looks good to me :lol:. I'm sure others love points. I make maybe 2-3 per week. Some are not necessarily as *healthy* as I'd like to be but we frequently make substitutes and add things in. Menus tend to center around meat sales so you can shop meat at other stores if there's something you want a different week.


Here is why I like it:

It takes the brain out of cooking/planning. You don't have to think.

THe ease of it means we do eat better.

You DO save money.

It is very easy for kids to be involved. My 4yo and 5yo each get to pick a meal, highlight ingredients on the list, check the pantry, and help shop. (Most of the time we have at least 1/2 of the ingredients on hand so it is very economical for our family. Then again we're hoarders :lol:) Kid involvement alone is priceless IMO. It makes EVERYONE happier, at dinner, at the store etc...

There are often leftovers (there are 5 of us)


Another good thing is that it has stretched our palate. I think it has helped our kids to be generally non-picky eaters. I have made some things I would never in a million years have made and have been delighted. A few highlights over the last few years are blueberry chicken, some kind of pork with mustard sauce (I hate mustard but made it anyway and it was good!), there was a really really random one with kielbasa and beans and diced tomatoes. We scarfed that. Tonight we had meatballs with a jar of pasta sauce with some garlic added in (Plus I added some pureed spinach and no one noticed, not even dh), topped w/mozz cheese. I didn't plan ahead to do whole wheat rolls from the bread machine so we did it on hot dog rolls. Everyone had seconds. We have leftover meatballs which I'll add more sauce to and stretch for spaghetti in a few days.


We make off-list recipes too but I save all the menus as pdfs so I can use old ones. Good stuff! Totally worth it.

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I've been using it on and off for about 3 years now. We do the publix plan. We went *off* it when I changed to the points plan bc nothing ever looked good. (still subscribed) Diet food never looks good to me :lol:. I'm sure others love points. I make maybe 2-3 per week. Some are not necessarily as *healthy* as I'd like to be but we frequently make substitutes and add things in. Menus tend to center around meat sales so you can shop meat at other stores if there's something you want a different week.


Here is why I like it:

It takes the brain out of cooking/planning. You don't have to think.

THe ease of it means we do eat better.

You DO save money.

It is very easy for kids to be involved. My 4yo and 5yo each get to pick a meal, highlight ingredients on the list, check the pantry, and help shop. (Most of the time we have at least 1/2 of the ingredients on hand so it is very economical for our family. Then again we're hoarders :lol:) Kid involvement alone is priceless IMO. It makes EVERYONE happier, at dinner, at the store etc...

There are often leftovers (there are 5 of us)


Another good thing is that it has stretched our palate. I think it has helped our kids to be generally non-picky eaters. I have made some things I would never in a million years have made and have been delighted. A few highlights over the last few years are blueberry chicken, some kind of pork with mustard sauce (I hate mustard but made it anyway and it was good!), there was a really really random one with kielbasa and beans and diced tomatoes. We scarfed that. Tonight we had meatballs with a jar of pasta sauce with some garlic added in (Plus I added some pureed spinach and no one noticed, not even dh), topped w/mozz cheese. I didn't plan ahead to do whole wheat rolls from the bread machine so we did it on hot dog rolls. Everyone had seconds. We have leftover meatballs which I'll add more sauce to and stretch for spaghetti in a few days.


We make off-list recipes too but I save all the menus as pdfs so I can use old ones. Good stuff! Totally worth it.


wow, what a great review!! Thanks! All the positives you mentioned are the reasons I want to dive in, especially the kids being involved...and expanding my palate! I always stick to the same ol' stuff....this would be a fresh change! I am considering WHICH store to pick? That blueberry chicken sounds wonderful!

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I had dh look at it and he said to go for it. We supposedly have this deal where he cooks on his days off. Most of the time he does not do it though. He says that it is because he does not know what to put with what else.


So for me I get ideas, menus, grocery lists. and the possibility of dh actually sticking to the bargain.


Thanks Johanna for posting the question and link.

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I use cookingtf.com and it's been pretty awesome. It is geared toward gluten-free, in season, whole foods and there are optional/substitute items.


Comes with the menu for 6 days plus 1 dessert, grocery list, a weekly glance to-do list to help prep, and the prep & cook time is right on the menu.


It's been great and the food has been pretty tasty. There hasn't been a single processed item yet.

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I use this and love it! Quick, easy prep...it's nice knowing you have everything you need for a week and has really cut down on going out to eat because of laziness :-)


yes, we have been so bad about eating out this summer...time to buckle down!! I am also sick of the same old dishes...i need variety!

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I use cookingtf.com and it's been pretty awesome. It is geared toward gluten-free, in season, whole foods and there are optional/substitute items.


Comes with the menu for 6 days plus 1 dessert, grocery list, a weekly glance to-do list to help prep, and the prep & cook time is right on the menu.


It's been great and the food has been pretty tasty. There hasn't been a single processed item yet.


Thank you!! I was going to ask if there was one that did a gluten-free menu. I was feeling pretty lonely. :tongue_smilie: Off to check it out! :auto:


eta: ez-mealz has a GF meal plan too!

Edited by littleWMN
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I tried it for about 6 months. It helped me appreciate how much smoother things go with a plan, but it didn't fit my cooking preferences as well as I would have liked- way too much canned soup as an ingredient. I tried both the regular and lite menus, but not for a particular grocery store as they don't have any stores in my area and we try to avoid Walmart. Currently trying the six o'clock scramble as they seem to focus more on fresh ingredients (though I have encountered several things my family won't eat).



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I had dh look at it and he said to go for it. We supposedly have this deal where he cooks on his days off. Most of the time he does not do it though. He says that it is because he does not know what to put with what else.


So for me I get ideas, menus, grocery lists. and the possibility of dh actually sticking to the bargain.


Thanks Johanna for posting the question and link.


Hey, I think I am going to just go for it too!!:D What menu did you decide to go with? I am thinking that I will go with Walmart, but not sure?

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I use cookingtf.com and it's been pretty awesome. It is geared toward gluten-free, in season, whole foods and there are optional/substitute items.


Comes with the menu for 6 days plus 1 dessert, grocery list, a weekly glance to-do list to help prep, and the prep & cook time is right on the menu.


It's been great and the food has been pretty tasty. There hasn't been a single processed item yet.


Thanks for posting this link. I looked at the sample menu and it looks great. I think I might try this menu planning service as soon as it cools off enough to turn my oven back on.



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Meal planning is NOT MY strength, most of the time 4:30 comes along and I have NO idea what to make for dinner!

So, I was planning on trying to put together my own meal plan but then I saw this (link above) it comes complete with shopping list, and I love that they have a plan for ALDIS since its down the road. But, I have never shopped there, is thier food good?

I like that Aldi's is smaller than walmart, walmart overwhelms me!

Anyways, I would love to hear about how this did or didnt work out for anyone. Also, do they include and crockpot meals?

thanks so much!


That looks great. I just signed up for the Points menu.

I just despise meal planning :glare:. I'm "in a mood" about it right now and I seriously don't care if the food isn't great, I just want something to put on the table.:001_huh:

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That looks great. I just signed up for the Points menu.

I just despise meal planning :glare:. I'm "in a mood" about it right now and I seriously don't care if the food isn't great, I just want something to put on the table.:001_huh:



haha!! I totally understand, i can't take another meal of chicken nuggets and hotdogs and frozen pizza!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, I think I am going to just go for it too!!:D What menu did you decide to go with? I am thinking that I will go with Walmart, but not sure?

I just signed up. I had to search the forum to find the link you posted. I went with the any store menu. We do not have a national grocery or a big Wal-mart near by. And I have yet to see (I've only seen 3) any of the any store menus use a can of soup.

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