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How much is your annual homeschool budget?

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I spent about $2600 for books, supplies, co-op and a zoo membership for three children. The activities are about $4000 for the year, but they would do those even if they were in public school. We probably spend another $5000 in travel each year, at least. That would also be spent if we didn't homeschool, though.

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For ME music is completely unimportant. I had lessons as a kid. I hated them. I have no desire to play an instrument or sing. I don't even like listening to music. I've made no attempt to get my kids invovled in such activities because then I would have to listen to them practice or worse attend concerts or recitals. So for ME spending any money on music is wasteful. However, many, many people like, enjoy, and value music. So for them to deprive themselves/children of those experiences would be a colossal mistake. Neither approach is right or wrong, just depends on what you value.




Grin. Blasphemy!!! Just kidding. But I eat, breathe and sleep music. My children love it because it is everywhere in our home. The boys take piano and play a little guitar. My daughter takes violin and I'm teaching her a little piano. Choir and/or stick programs have been a part of their lives almost since birth. They heard me singing while in the womb and going to concerts. However, art...is another thing. I avoid art museums like the plague. I think it is awful and boring. My boys complain if they have to hold a crayon. I got tons and tons of coloring books that went unused. I got minuses in art in elementary school and couldn't wait to quit as opposed to all pluses in music. My daughter does draw and color, but I still remember the VBS teacher coming to me about my middle child, "HE really hates crafts doesn't he!

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I'd have to agree with those who would rather not think about it or total it all up. I like to think of my homeschool total as being just what I spend on curriculum and books. But here is my approximate total and complete costs for homeschooling, keeping in mind that some is overlap for what we would do if we didn't homeschool:


Curriculum and books for 3 kids: $1500/year This has increased every year, as my oldest gets older and I become more structured on the whole. The majority of that $ is spent on the firstborn. Many things are reused for younger kids.


Co-op expenses: This works out to around $700/year. It varies, though, because all classes are elective. Some are more expensive and others are less.


Umbrella group: $250/year


Music lessons: $1600/year This will increase when youngest ds starts playing an instrument.


Sports: $1000/year


Field trips or misc. activities: I'm totally guessing out of the blue, but this might be around $500/600 per year.



I don't have a specific budget. I try to keep costs down where I can, but Idon't decide against materials or activities on the basis of cost alone. With the co-op, I teach and am also a board member, so at times, my cost into classes has been offset by my pay for teaching classes. My kids would most likely still take music and sports lessons, even if they were in school, so I don't count that in the strictest sense.

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I spent approx. $500 last year (for one kid). But, that was an expensive year... I had nothing I already needed and I had to get "start up" supplies like the Math U See block sets, etc. I hope I can reuse those every year and with all my kids, making the expense well worth it. But, I try not to buy too far in advance with this idea that "we will use it later." In my (limited) experience, we don't really use what we buy ahead of time (or haven't yet). It becomes a waste of money that I could have spent on something I knew we really would use right away. I try to buy what I know I need the next three to six months and we use it like crazy... work through the book front to back, etc... and then move on to what we need/ will be doing for the next few months. I have saved (or haven't spent yet) hundreds if not thousands that way. I don't have tons of supplies built up like so many homeschooling moms I know, but I can say... we are actually using what we have purchased. I know so many moms who have gone into debt buying stuff years ago they still haven't used... I want to try and avoid that. :001_smile:

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This will be my first year home schooling so I've had to purchase many start-up material : cuisenaire rods, colour tiles (which I will use for counting, sorting, patterns and what-not). Also many books (including TWTM!), and materials, so.... I'd say about $250. This does not include the playgroup (for socialization) fees. Of course I am saving a fortune in school fees, transport and school uniforms so I am hardly complaining. ;)

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