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My germaphobe

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My 6 year old just threw a royal fit about taking the trash out. He has gotten on some germ phobia kick and doesn't want to touch anything.


I made him take it out anyway and he has been wailing for over 10 min and just finished a 5 min (literally!) hand washing session.


I really don't know what to do. It is driving me CRAZY!



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Zee is kinda like this; but, he's a 'quirky' boy all around, iykwim.


He washes his hands as soon as we come in, either from playing outside or shopping. He really despises eating or drinking after *anyone*; he doesn't even like to eat things that someone has touched, or that is on someone elses's plate.


Sometimes, I think he has trouble with the idea of 'moderation'. While I appreciate that he's got good hygiene, it's a bit annoying when he won't take a sip of my water, no matter how thirsty he is. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, goodness, I remember that stage. And as a kind mom at the museum pointed out (when she saw my kid trying to clean the play equipment with sanitizer), "They do come out the other side of this."


It's much better in our house a few years down the road. The kid still isn't thrilled about touching raw meat or eggs, but the desire to learn to cook has overridden much of the fear of germs.

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My 16 year old daughter is like this and it's not anything to laugh at or mock. To them, germs are a very scary thing and quite frankly, I'm okay with it. She gets mocked like crazy but she doesn't care. She is a very clean kid and I'm glad that she's this way instead of sharing drinks or food with her friends and family. I don't know if she'll outgrow it, she hasn't yet, and that's okay too. So what if he's a germ freak. There are so many worse things to be freaks about. Let him alone and for now, have someone else take out the garbage. If you were afraid of spiders would you appreciate it if your mom made you hold one? Your boy isn't being direspectful, he's afraid of germs and thus, doesn't want to put himself in a place where they are. It's okay, really it is!

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