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Weekly menus for those who spend <$800/month on groceries.

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I think our problem is that we eat only humanely raised meat. So chicken and ground beef cost us about $7/lb.


We don't want to change that.



Is there a grassfed beef operation near you by any chance? There are a few a few hours from us. We investigated that option once. You can purchase an entire cow that was raised privately (small farming) on grass at one time and save considerably on the average cost. Of course you get a mix of cuts/types of beef. You need a separate freezer and all that though. But if knowing exactly how your food was raised is important, that is one way to achieve that and save a little bit off the cost of buying it in small packages.

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Seems like the WHO (World Health Organization) state that we ladies REQUIRE 0.41grams of protein per lb. of (ideal) body weight. So, a 128 lb. lady would REQUIRE 52 grams daily.


Did you read the ENTIRE article I linked? Only the beginning is about the protein drinks. It goes on to discuss protein further.

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I think our problem is that we eat only humanely raised meat. So chicken and ground beef cost us about $7/lb.


We don't want to change that.




We don't buy factory farmed meat, either, so meat is one of our biggest expenses, but I have found ways to get the price down. We've bought a side of beef at a time for less than $3/lb in the past and a side of pork for $3.50/lb. Of course, you need a freezer for that, but it's a one time investment that can pay for itself pretty quickly. Right now we're trying something different, and I found a farm an hour from me that sells beef and pork by the cut--more than getting a side, but less than Whole Foods, et. al. Ground beef is $4/lb, cube steak and london broil are $5, etc. Bacon is $4/lb, which I think is the same or even a little less than I was paying for the Niman Ranch stuff at Trader Joe's. For chicken, we buy Springer Mountain Farm chicken, which is in GA, but I know they sell in AL, too. It's about $6/lb at our grocery store for boneless breasts, but just $1.79 lb for a whole bird...so we roast a lot more whole chickens than we used to. They also go on sale sometimes, and I stock up when they do. And then I just came across a coupon for $1.50/off a package that doesn't expire until the end of sept., so I immediately went on ebay and ordered 20 more of them for a total of $2. That will get it down to $4.50/lb for boneless breasts (the smaller packages are usually right around a pound)...even cheaper if I can find them on sale and then use the coupons.

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I want to eat at your house! Your menu is making me hungry. :D


I plan a weekly menu around specials - I seldom spend more than $5 on meat per meal. I have a weekly delivery of organic veggies that is super cheap at $30 and I get plenty!

BTW - I love in Charlotte NC, so cost of living is cheap - Or at least I think it is.


I load our plates with veggies and salads.

The kids snack on fruit throughout the day.

We seldom drink anything other than water and milk.

We eat little cheese and cold meats and if we do, the portions are small.

We buy few snack foods, but bake treats and bake bread at home.

My kids are still young (and girls) so they do not eat much, yet!

I am trying hard to incorporate more legumes, but it is slow going since DH is really a meat and potatoes kind of guy.

I try to do at least one meatless dinner per week.


Last weeks menu (lunches are the kids lunches, since DH takes a packed lunch and I eat salads most of the day)



Fruit smoothie, oats with frozen blue berries

Veggie soup with homemade bread

Balsamic grilled chicken breasts, warm pasta salad with grilled veg and green salad



Fruit smoothie, homemade waffles with fruit

Banana muffin, fruit, hummus with carrots and cucumber (from the garden)

Veggie stuffed pork chops, garlic cauliflower and cooked carrots



Fruit smoothie, cereal

Pretzels, cheese blocks, fruit and tomato slices

Grilled Tuna, baked potatoes and balsamic roasted veggies



Fruit smoothie, omelet with cheese and tomatoes

Salad with everything I can toss in it, a slice of bread and a fruit.




Fruit smoothie, boiled egg and toast

left overs

Grilled veg pizza (homemade and low on the cheese)


Weekends we help ourselves to left overs or grill outdoors. I seldom plan for weekends. This weekend we ate out for lunch (which we very seldom do) so we helped ourself to a light dinner and Sunday we cooked chicken breasts on the grill.

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Along these lines, sort of, I offer the following menu. Due to unforseen circumstances I am trying to cut my food budget from 800.00 to 400.00 this month.


I spent 86.00 yesterday for the week.


M: Oatmeal w/ almonds, raisins, seeds, maple syrup; orange juice


Grilled turkey & cheese sandwiches; fruit; veggies w/ dip


Black beans & rice; corn; roasted vegetables


T: Bagels w/ butter & jam; fruit; milk


Cheese quesadillas; onions, mushrooms, & peppers; corn


Baked potatoes; black bean salsa; sour cream; cheese; cornbread


W: Cheese grits; scrambled eggs; orange juice


PB & J; yogurt; fruit


Turkey chili; cornbread


T: Egg sandwiches; fruit; milk


Chicken parmasean over cheese ravioli; veggie


Macaroni soup; crackers


F: Breakfast rice w/ almonds, raisins, seeds, maple syrup; milk


Meatballs w/ marinara sauce; rice; edamame


Pasta primavera; fish


S: Oatmeal w/ almonds, raisins, seeds, maple syrup; orange juice


Cheese-scrambled eggs; WW toast w/ butter & jam; fruit


Turkey chili; grilled cheese sandwiches


S: Bagels w/ butter & jam; fruit; milk


Bean burritos; corn; fruit


Sloppy Joes w/ gr. turkey & lentils; applesauce; carrots


I picked up extra fruit for snacks and a bag of popcorn kernels as well. I already had some meat, frozen ravioli, and frozen veg on hand, so I was still able to get organic dairy this week and keep my total under 100.00. On weeks that I have to buy (conventional) meat I will probably have to get (conventional) dairy.

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