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Be careful of what you say until you know who you are speaking to

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This must have sent our small town rumor mill churning. . .


An hour before our taekwando dojo had a bbq potluck, I was at Safeway buying potato salad. A man came up to me and said, "So, I'll see you tonight." I look puzzled at this man who looks vaguely familiar. Suddenly the light dawns. "Oh! I didn't recognize you without your robe on!" We got lots of very interested looks. . . It was the taekwando instructor.

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This must have sent our small town rumor mill churning. . .


An hour before our taekwando dojo had a bbq potluck, I was at Safeway buying potato salad. A man came up to me and said, "So, I'll see you tonight." I look puzzled at this man who looks vaguely familiar. Suddenly the light dawns. "Oh! I didn't recognize you without your robe on!" We got lots of very interested looks. . . It was the taekwando instructor.

Dh gets one similar often. He wears a uniform for work. People say they did not recognize him without his clothes on.

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I've been the caller before..... I called the police dept. to tell them we had a monkey in our tree. I was so shocked to see the monkey that I didn't realize I wasn't talking to the police dept. They guy on the other end had a great laugh at my expense.


And it wasn't even a monkey, but we won't go there. :o:leaving:


(BTW, the police did come out to the house and also got a laugh at my expense. And that's all I'm saying.)\\:tongue_smilie:


I know exactly what furry creature you're referencing. Don't feel too bad--you're not the only person who's made that mistake. When I was in college in CA two girls came running down the hall yelling for us all to come look because there were two monkeys chattering in the tree outside their window. We thought it was a joke to get us ambushed with a prank, but they were so convincingly excited that about 6 of us followed them outside. The hilarity that ensued (at their expense) was a welcome break from studying.:lol:

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I once had a long conversation with a nice German couple before I realized that the wife was a lawyer for the German ministry of education.


And I recently made several sarcastic comments about the work schedule at my dh's command to a woman whose dh was transfering to the command. Then I learned that her dh will be the chief of staff (think second highest in the chain of command). (Fortunately dh was able to laugh that one off with a "well it's true".)


And BTW I hate it when people call me and start talking away without identifying themselves. I don't have caller id. I wish they didn't assume that I know them by voice.

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I once had a long conversation with a nice German couple before I realized that the wife was a lawyer for the German ministry of education.


And I recently made several sarcastic comments about the work schedule at my dh's command to a woman whose dh was transfering to the command. Then I learned that her dh will be the chief of staff (think second highest in the chain of command). (Fortunately dh was able to laugh that one off with a "well it's true".)


I was once at a friend's house when her neighbor came over and said "hey, have you heard anything about the new commander? I heard he's an a******." My friend just said "I think he's really nice, let me introduce you to his wife, she's right here." :lol:

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:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: Did he still hire your dad for the work?


I was grocery shopping with my kids. I was shocked to see my husband in the store! I told the kids, "Look, it's dad!" and ran up to him. I was holding out my hands, just about to pinch his rear end :blushing: when oldest ds said, "MOM! It's NOT HIM!!!" The guy turned around and looked at me. I walked away.


I think I need to stay out of this thread. I'm giving away far too many secrets.

My single MIL did something like this. My BIL and MIL were sitting in the WM parking lot waiting to pick up my hubby from work (back in highschool). You know those old glass cart entrances where the glass is on top and the bottom is open? Yeah,


MIL: that guy on the other side has a really cute rear end

BIL: Eww, mom, that's gross!

MIL: What? He does!

BIL: Mom, that's (her other son)

MIL: No, it's not!....is it? Oh my *blush*

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