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IS Analytical Grammar worth it?

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

I'm really liking it as a follow up to Shurley Grammar to teach diagramming and keep grammar fresh :) So far it's not as specific about labeling as Shurley (AG classifies all adjectives as adjectives instead of possessive pronoun adjectives, possessive pronoun adjectives, article adjectives, etc) so we are using our Shurley labels but maybe that will change some as you get further in? I have no experience with GWG so I can't compare, sorry.

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We've only used it one year, and my dd just puts up with it. BUT... she scored post high school on language mechanics on the SAT this year. I give AG most of the credit for that. She's wired with a bent toward language arts, but AG wasn't totally easy; it made her THINK. We'll be doing Season 2 this year. I've worked through about half of it on my own. To me, Season 2 seems a little easier because Season 1 was fantastic prep. I hope she has the same reaction as I did. It will make grammar that much smoother to do this year.

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I'm tempted to not do GWG6 with my rising 6th grade son an give AG a try. If you've used with the middle school crowd -- how'd it go? If you used it and now your middle schooler is in high school -- did the stay the grammar experts?


FWIW, It's not that I don't like GWG; ds has always done well with it...

I love it, but it was the first time I ever got grammar. I am a math person by nature.


My oldest is in the 2nd season and doing well, but she is language centered. BTW in CW they cover more in depth grammar as well, and she hasn't had a problem "getting it" and doing the work.


My 2nd dd is more like me, not language intuitive. She is doing each unit in JAG about 2 times. That probable sounds worse than it is. I generally have her do a unit independently, where she usually scores a solid C. I am a master before you move on person, so that isn't really what I want to see, thus I generally go through her work with her explaining her mistakes, and sometimes doing a whole exercise with her, modeling the thinking. The 2nd time through she usually gets an A. Right now it adverbs she was barley getting a C, so I sat down and did a exercise with her and the next exercise she got 100% on.


All that to say it isn't always easy, but AG works here with both my analytical kids and my language kids.



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I hope so too, I'm using it next year. I bought the High School refresher book as well for my rising 9th grader. She loves it! She has never done AG and it is a bit different from what she has done before, but she thinks it is "fun". My youngest is a bit concerned. She thinks it looks too easy compared to the Abeka she did last year. I'm thinking that is because the first lesson is on nouns. I think it will get more challenging as we go.

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We've used section 1 so far and DD really really did not like it. Too bad, she did it anyway and did very well. I did let her do only half of the exercises and did even fewer of the diagramming. However, she did all of the tests and scored high (A's and above).


I do think it is overpriced but that's just my frugal side showing.



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I'm using AG with my 12yo and I've been very happy with it. Ds did the first section last year in 6th and will be starting back into it next week. It's a lot of money to lay out at first, but not bad when you consider that the program will last for all of middle school.

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My dd17 used it last year...she absolutely despised it. The same thing every.single.day. No variety, just drill, drill, drill...she was so sick of it by the end of the first season, that I put it away. I even went so far as to purchase one of the reinforcement books to give her a break from the daily tedium...she still did not like it.


It was very expensive. I think there are plenty of grammar resources out there for a lot less money that will do the same thing. I did not find anything particularly special about AG...a lesson, label the sentences, diagram the sentences, etc. My dd also got tired of some the story lines for the lessons.


We actually had better luck with an old Warriner's book. I also recently found a free grammar book through McGraw Hill's secondary publishers. And also came across Daily Grammar...it is free online as well or an ebook can purchased or even a hardcopy.


I just don't think grammar instruction needs to cost anyone $120...


Sorry to the AG fans out there, it just wasn't a good fit for my dd. I don't think it would work for my son either.


ymmv, jmho...:001_smile:

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My dd17 used it last year...she absolutely despised it. The same thing every.single.day. No variety, just drill, drill, drill...she was so sick of it by the end of the first season, that I put it away. I even went so far as to purchase one of the reinforcement books to give her a break from the daily tedium...she still did not like it.

It was very expensive. I think there are plenty of grammar resources out there for a lot less money that will do the same thing. I did not find anything particularly special about AG...a lesson, label the sentences, diagram the sentences, etc. My dd also got tired of some the story lines for the lessons.

We actually had better luck with an old Warriner's book. I also recently found a free grammar book through McGraw Hill's secondary publishers. And also came across Daily Grammar...it is free online as well or an ebook can purchased or even a hardcopy.

I just don't think grammar instruction needs to cost anyone $120...

Sorry to the AG fans out there, it just wasn't a good fit for my dd. I don't think it would work for my son either.

ymmv, jmho...:001_smile:


Totally agree. We hated it. We tried and tried. Worst homeschooling purchase we made in the past year.

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I love love love Analytical Grammar!!! My two daughters started it when they were in 7th grade. They always have done well with grammar using Abeka and BJU so I thought AG would come easy to them! WRONG!! It really made them think. They are not excited about doing analytical grammar but I think it is because it is not easy and it makes them think!!


I think it is totally worth the money!! They take an outside writing class and have to do 'peer reviews' of the writing assignments. The teachers can't believe the things they pick up on other students writing, like misplaced modifiers. They would never write like they do without AG!


I plan to use it with my son also but would never consider it before 7th grade for him, and even then we will have to take it slower.


I think it is a great program!! And my daughters know how "advanced" they are in grammar because of it, compared to other kids in their outside classes.



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