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Writing again - WT or WWE for third grade


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My dd will be in third grade next year and I am torn between these two writing programs. Is anyone else trying to decide between these two programs for next year? Each time I think I have decided on one of them I read something that makes me think the other one might be good for us.


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Oh yes. I was torn between the two because they both look so excellent . I ended up deciding on WT's because it was a bit more economical for me at the moment . I think both programs are very well put together and it was hard to chose .

Actually I just recieved Writing Tales in the mail today and I REALLY like it . I am hoping this will improve my daughter's writing skills.


I do know that there are some moms here that have bought both programs . Meaning they have the Writing Tales program and have put on reserve the manual to WWE to add more then just one writing assignment each week .


Like I said I haven't use the program yet . But I like how WT is put together and am happy with it so far .

Also there is a new WT's support group too .


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I know, can we say "overkill"? I have WT1 coming in the mail any day. I'm actually going to start it as soon as it comes with my ds8 and ds9 (WT2 for him). I'm going to a conf. in July and will look more closely at WWE b/c I want to do that w/ my 2nd grader. If I like what I see (and I know I will!), I'm going to get the text and possibly the gr. 2 workbook. For my 3rd grader? I'll just play it by ear and see how it goes doing WT1 for the rest of this year and implement some of WWE next year. It's so hard to choose just 1. BUT, if I absolutely HAD to...I'd choose WT1 b/c it's out already.

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I must really be behind on the loop. I thought WWE was the explanations and that the WORKBOOKS for it would only be available for like grade 1. If that's the case, a 3rd grader should do WT1 and any additional assignments as suggested in WWE. There's plenty of time to do the writing in WT1 *and* some additional WTM/WWE work.

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WWE is designed so you don't have to have the workbooks. Workbooks for level 2 should be ready the end of July. My dd is a great reader, but not as strong of a writer so I had considered using FLL3 and WWE level 2 depending on the looks of the program. It is hard to tell which level of WWE would be more appropriate since I can't see the whole thing.


I am not sure if she is quite ready for WT1. She pays attention to details and can complete several sentences of copywork. She can complete 3 or 4 very easy sentences of dictation at one sitting. We have just started oral narrations. She can remember details well, but doesn't always narrate in complete sentences. She also struggles a little with spelling. It doesn't take her long to learn a word, but she is not a natural speller.



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My plan had been to go with WWE/FLL next year until I realized that the workbooks for WWE 3rd/4th grade level will not be ready. I know that you can use WWE without the workbooks, but I prefer something that will be more open and go. I am hoping that I can see both of the programs sometime this summer at a convention to compare. If it looks like it will not be too much work preparation-wise I still might go ahead with WWE. I am also thinking about purchasing WT now to finish out the year (end of June) to see how we like it and then go from there....

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Jan, the student should be able to write her own narration before starting Writing Tales. Are you doing SOTW or anything with short models that are conducive to narration? That's great to work on oral narration. Now work on getting that down on paper, first with her dictating to you, then her slowly taking over. She's right on the cusp, sounds plenty ready skills-wise, so that's what I'd work on. Do that and see where it takes you. Nothing says you have to start a writing program at the very beginning of the school year. You could work on her narration skills, getting her to where she can get her own narration down on paper comfortably. Then do some simple rewrites using the Imitations books, which come in a variety of interesting themes. Then, say 2nd semester or even the following year, you can start WT1. She sounds really close though, like she's going to come along just fine with oral narrations that transition to written. I remember being very afraid at this stage, wondering if it would happen, and then it just DID, like magic. So it will happen for you to, just plow forward. :)

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I have a ds who's really on the edge of 3rd grade writing skills. I couldn't decide either (WT1 or WWE) and decided to give him a little test. We did the sample on the website for WT1. While he got the naration down and did the story well as far as telling it, his sentence structure and spelling were HORRIBLE! I thought a revision for him would just about do him in with the program and when we went to correcting all the mistakes, he just about lost it. So, I figured at least another year of dictation and copywork would get him ready (basically going the WWE route). So, maybe you could try that. See how she does.


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This is what helped me decide what workbook to get for WWE. This was said be SWB on one for the threads.


Writted by SWB:

We used levels instead of grades because... young children progress at very different rates through acquiring the skills. The levels are roughly equivalent to grades, but reluctant writers may need to start at a lower level. Essentially:


if your child can do copywork well, but struggles a bit with one to two sentence dictations, start with Level 2,


if your child struggles with three to four sentence dictation and/or has difficulty with coherent, brief summaries, start with Level 3,


if your (slightly older) child can think of what to write but can't get it on paper, start with Level 4.


There are diagnostic tests in the Writing With Ease text to help you place your student.

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Thank you all for your help. I am feeling a little more confident that I can teach writing. We will just keep working on copywork, dictation, and narrations.


OhElizabeth- I think you are right. She has made great progress in the short time we have really started working on writing. She might be ready for WT1 by fall, but she might not be ready until spring. Either one is fine by me.



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