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Some of you posted in another thread that you have various routines for the day--morning routine, breakfast routine, etc. Would anyone be willing to share some examples? I'd like to institute some more routines in our household. Thanks.


ETA: Also, what are the consequences if someone doesn't follow the routine?

Edited by mo2
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We have very loose routines sprinkled throughout our day. In the morning we get up, and the first thing I do is get ds2's bfast set up for him. Then I make a cup of coffee and sit down to check my email/facebook/the boards, etc. I try to do this in less than 15 mins. Then while my dc are eating bfast, I fill out their checklists for the school day and make sure they are all set for school. Sometimes they finish bfast before i am done getting school stuff ready, so the big boys usually take lil man upstairs to play for a lil bit. Once evthing is ready, then we start school (usually between 10-11am).


We also have a very loose schooltime routine, a lunch routine, a bedtime routine etc.


I will come back and share more later when I have more time - right now it's past time to start school!


Can't wait to read what others have to share!

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Our school day morning routine goes like this:


When DD gets up, I am usually at work and DH may or may not be home (he'll shortly be starting classes and his fall schedule begins EARLY M-W-F. So, there is a TO-DO list on the dry erase board for her. It usually includes several chores, such as putting away laundry, bringing in clothes that are hanging outside, putting away dishes, or watering the garden. It also includes homework assignments. In first grade this was usually just a review worksheet and/or a handwriting page, but this year it will include math problems, a handwriting sheet, phonics worksheet, Spanish worksheet, and possibly working on Rosetta Stone on the computer. I might also add "get dressed" to the list.


When DD completes everything on her list, she can watch TV. Usually she waits until the list is done to eat breakfast, because she likes eating in front of the TV. When I get home from work (between 9 and 11:30 AM), we eat again then start lessons.


Our evening routine consists of eating dinner, tidying up the TV room, sometimes a little TV time together, then (and this part is new), DD and I are going to brush our teeth together, then I'll read to her for half an hour or so before bed. I tend to slack off on the bedtime reading when I'm tired, so I'm hoping that making it part of the routine will help. After DD's tucked in, I either go to bed myself or head to work, depending on whether I work the next morning at 5 AM or am doing an overnight shift. At least one day a week we have an evening activity that results in a late bedtime; for those days we just shift things accordingly.

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First, I have a 6.5yo (starting 2nd grade) & 3yo. Age of children has a lot to do w/ routine and length of school day.


Our routine varied last year- T & TH, DS goes to mom's morning out at a local church- from 9am-1pm. We have longer/heavier schoolwork on those days, although we had co-op on Thursdays and had to leave by 12:45pm.


Rough Outline:

WakeUp, Eat Breakfast: 7:30-8:00

Clean Room & Get Dressed: 8:00-8:30

School Starts by 9:00am (or 9:15 when DS goes to MMO)

Snack break/Turn on PBS for DS: 10:30

Lunch: 12:00-12:30

Finish up schoolwork/Games/Music Time: 12:30-1:30

Quiet/Rest Time: 1:30-3:00 (DS naps, DD listens to Adventures in Odyssey & I run on the treadmill, or we read together)

Afternoon: Free Time

Dinner: 6:00

Bedtime: 8:00 & 9:00

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We have more of a rhythm to our day. We do things in a certain order. We don't punish for not following the rhythm because we will have days where everyone feels off.


morning--wake up, dress, breakfast


schooltime--I work with each child and they each have work to do on their own.




chores--each day I focus on a different room/chore






family time--watch TV or spend time together


bedtime--getting ready for bed, story


Our weekly routine or rhythm (chore/activity/outing):


Monday--library, laundry folding

Tuesday--trash, bathroom, 4-H, Karate

Wednesday--at home/pool, relax

Thursday--main room, kitchen, prep next school week, at home/pool

Friday--bills, playgroup

Saturday--bedrooms, bathroom, large projects, family outing, visitors

Sunday--shopping, church, at home/pool


Hope this helps.:001_smile:

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