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Who asked about an easy way to peel hardboiled eggs...?

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Somebody not that long ago was talking about how to peel hardboiled eggs without the shell all breaking and sticking to the egg and being hard to peel etc.


You've got to check this out!




(We're actually hardboiling some eggs right now and my husband remembered coming across this youtube link and looked it up again to remind himself of what we're supposed to do. So when our eggs are done, he's going to try this and see if it really works. I'll let you know lol).

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I'm going to hard boil some eggs today so I'll give it a try. I've never heard of baking soda before, however, I've read many times about putting vinegar in the water. One thing I've noticed is that slightly older eggs brought to room temperature first seem to peel easier. We have laying hens so I try to use the older ones to hard boil. In any event, my girls will have fun trying to blow the egg out.

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Whoa! That's so cool! So, you add the baking soda to the boiling water while they're boiling?

I'm so gonna try that as soon as I get to the store and get some eggs! :laugh:


No... after they are DONE boiling/cooking, and you are sitting them in cold water to cool off before peeling...that's when you add the baking soda!

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OK ours are done! My husband wasn't exact with the amount of baking soda (he used a regular teaspoon like for eating/stirring, not measuring) and put in like two even though the guy said one. And we didn't know if it mattered how much cold water they sat in. And we added some ice cubes as he'd mentioned.


We also weren't sure if you were supposed to let it sit a while. So we waited like two minutes and then he tried the first egg. It did not blow out the way it did for that guy...but it peeled SUPER easy without the shell sticking.


He kept going and trying with the blowing and the next three eggs we'd hardboiled DID blow out...although it took my husband like 3 hard blows instead of the one easy blow that guy did.


Either way, definitely quick and easy and left the eggs in good shape and not gouged to shreds!!


Fun :)


Let me know how it works for you guys!

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was it this one? I wanted to know how to peel an egg completely and easily and so many interesting ideas were posted including this one. I turned it into a science experiment for the kids and I. I tried it and it worked for me but not for my dh or the kids. Go figure, I have the most hot air in the family, LOL! It was neat, to say the least.

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We put the baking soda in the water before boiling. I was able to blow the eggs out but only if I made the hole in the bottom big enough for it to fit through. Peeling them was super easy, and not one out of ten eggs was marred in any way. Perfect hard-boiled eggs!

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We put the baking soda in the water before boiling. I was able to blow the eggs out but only if I made the hole in the bottom big enough for it to fit through. Peeling them was super easy, and not one out of ten eggs was marred in any way. Perfect hard-boiled eggs!


I noticed that as well. One side (mouth side) wasn't that big, the other side was about 2 times bigger. I had to BLOW real hard but I actually felt the egg seperating from the membrane. It was cool!!

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We got it to work too, but you do have to blow pretty hard and have a pretty good sized hole on the end it's coming out. Way cool though. Except I wouldn't want to be served an egg that someone else had blown out of its shell. They were much easier to peel by hand with the soda in the water, though. I've tried it with vinegar a few times before, but I think the soda made more of a difference. There could have been other factors involved, though, like the age of the eggs. I'll have to try both a few more times before I'm willing to commit firmly to an opinion...lol...I'm like that.

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We got it to work too, but you do have to blow pretty hard and have a pretty good sized hole on the end it's coming out. Way cool though. Except I wouldn't want to be served an egg that someone else had blown out of its shell. They were much easier to peel by hand with the soda in the water, though. I've tried it with vinegar a few times before, but I think the soda made more of a difference. There could have been other factors involved, though, like the age of the eggs. I'll have to try both a few more times before I'm willing to commit firmly to an opinion...lol...I'm like that.


Yes, the age factor was brought up alot in the other thread. Who knew older was better!!

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Am I the only one that thinks it is a little gross to blow on eggs others are going to eat?? I am picturing making a batch of deviled eggs for my family that then sits in the fridge for a few days. :ack2:


Well of course it would be gross AND exhausting!!:lol::lol:. I only did one just to see if it would work and I ate the egg myself!!

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LOL well now that you mention it, it would be kinda gross to me if it was someone else aside from myself or my husband blowing on our eggs haha. It didn't bother me that my husband did it, rinsed the eggs, and prepared the food.


But still I do think it at least peels easy by hand thanks to the baking soda!

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Am I the only one that thinks it is a little gross to blow on eggs others are going to eat?? I am picturing making a batch of deviled eggs for my family that then sits in the fridge for a few days. :ack2:



Well of course it would be gross AND exhausting!!:lol::lol:. I only did one just to see if it would work and I ate the egg myself!!




That's what I did too. I also think it would not be good table manners to blow one's boiled egg out of its shell at breakfast. As a fun "parlor trick" or if I'm having a snack, though, it's kind of cool. For me it kind of falls into the category of just because you can doesn't mean you should, but it's kind of fun to know you can.

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