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epipen carrying case suggestions needed

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I am trying to decide what to buy for my DS so he can carry around his epipen and inhaler when he leaves the house and I'm not with him. I looked online and found a few options but I can't decide which would be the best option--a belt pack, a little pouch with a carabiner clip, or something else (they also have ones that are like a sleeve that goes on your leg, but I didn't like that idea). DH laughed at the idea of a "fanny pack" so I thought one with a clip, but then realized DS doesn't wear pants/shorts with belt loops all that often so it wouldn't even work with that.


What to do, what to do. DS is 6 1/2 if that factors into the decision.

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Not many. But it always seems that whenever he needs his inhaler, it's nowhere to be found when we're out and about. I do have a clear plastic backpack for him that I made him take with him when he went to day camp this summer so that his meds were clearly seen by anyone looking. He balked at taking a backpack but I wanted every adult there to know right where his meds were just in case (mostly for the inhaler since we'd never used the epipen before last week). But a backpack isn't really practical when he's out riding his bike with grandma or out for a run with me when we have no pockets. Or when he goes to the pool with grandma or whatever else he does.

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We use these


They have a velcro strap so DS can strap them to his belt, bike, backpack, and they also can fit in my purse. He is 7 (almost 8) and we are transitioning to making it his responsibility to take it with us. I do always have an epi-pen in my purse, in the pool bag and a couple in the house, but we are working toward ensuring HE remembers that everytime we leave the house it is with him. He has been carrying it since he turned 6.


There are lots of options, here is a site I had for a bunch of choices, not all of them will hold inhalers.



We have a card in ours with his emergency procedures, emergency phone numbers and who to call if the pack is found (because as responsible as we try to make them, little boys will be little boys :001_smile:).

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I know I'm adding options to your list, but how about a small drawstring backpack - like this one, but smaller:




(I think that one that ds has is around 5x6.)


I usually pass on my dc's epi-pen to the responsible adult (grandparent/camp counselor). Our pediatrician says to keep one in the car as well as one in the house always. (I have never gotten around to putting one in our car though.)


If your son doesn't need a spacer, he can carry the inhaler in his pocket or a cell phone carrier like this that he can hang around his neck:



It's water resistant, so good for the pool.

(Of course there are some nicer looking ones out there, this was just the first one that I found :D. DH once bough me a cute one for $1, but he says that deal is already gone. :tongue_smilie:)





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We use these


They have a velcro strap so DS can strap them to his belt, bike, backpack, and they also can fit in my purse. He is 7 (almost 8) and we are transitioning to making it his responsibility to take it with us. I do always have an epi-pen in my purse, in the pool bag and a couple in the house, but we are working toward ensuring HE remembers that everytime we leave the house it is with him. He has been carrying it since he turned 6.



I just took a look at these. They look very nice and well designed!

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(grandparent/camp counselor). Our pediatrician says to keep one in the car as well as one in the house always. (I have never gotten around to putting one in our car though.)





I'm following this thread for ideas for my six year old. I give the pack to an adult when he's not with me but soon we do need to transition.


Kathy, I like your options!

Your pediatrician is giving poor advice. They are very temperature sensitive (you can read in the materials that come with them) so car storage makes them useless. In fact, I've had to replace them because I accidentally left them in the car more than once.

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Your pediatrician is giving poor advice. They are very temperature sensitive (you can read in the materials that come with them) so car storage makes them useless. In fact, I've had to replace them because I accidentally left them in the car more than once.


OH! sbgrace, thanks for letting me know!

Yeah, I hadn't read the instructions carefully.

It's a good thing, then that I didn't following the doctor's insturctions, huh?

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We use a fanny pack. He never wears it - just carries it with him. It's the perfect size. He gives it to the supervising adult when he goes to a friend's house.


I always get nervous when I read about the temperature sensitivity of epi-pens. I mean, we're out and about on HOT days. Would that effect it? It's been to the beach when it was over 90 degrees. It's been to Disney World in September (HOT!!). I just pray it works when we need it!!!

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We use mini-backpacks. I used to have an Epi-pen carrier, that clipped on, but you don't always have somewhere to clip it. So when I saw the mini-backpacks, I knew I had found our solution.

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We use these


They have a velcro strap so DS can strap them to his belt, bike, backpack, and they also can fit in my purse. He is 7 (almost 8) and we are transitioning to making it his responsibility to take it with us. I do always have an epi-pen in my purse, in the pool bag and a couple in the house, but we are working toward ensuring HE remembers that everytime we leave the house it is with him. He has been carrying it since he turned 6.


There are lots of options, here is a site I had for a bunch of choices, not all of them will hold inhalers.



We have a card in ours with his emergency procedures, emergency phone numbers and who to call if the pack is found (because as responsible as we try to make them, little boys will be little boys :001_smile:).


We are training ds to always carry his medicine as well. Currently we use a fanny pack which is a little bit dorky:tongue_smilie: I am hoping to find a less dorky fanny pack or other pack that he can attach to his belt/body since I am afraid that a pack that he can put down will be more likely be forgotten.

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We are training ds to always carry his medicine as well. Currently we use a fanny pack which is a little bit dorky:tongue_smilie: I am hoping to find a less dorky fanny pack or other pack that he can attach to his belt/body since I am afraid that a pack that he can put down will be more likely be forgotten.


That's what I was thinking. If I gave DS something he could set down, he'd lose it. The kid walks off without stuff all the time--he left his swimsuit in the locker room yesterday after swim lessons. I think I'm just going to ignore my DH and buy him a "manly" fanny pack (if such a thing exists:tongue_smilie:). Maybe I'll buy both a fanny pack and a clip on bag so if he his clothes have belt loops, he can wear the clip on. If not, the fanny pack.

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