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Bible help please

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I am teaching my children the Bible from the beginning but I am having a hard time keeping the people streight in my own head. Is there a SIMPLE Bible timeline\geneology possibly with a simple blip about what happened

example: Abraham/Sarah (had Isaac in old age), had other son by maid (cannot remember his name and didn't his people become enemies of the tribes?)


Sort of a cliff's notes of the Bible-- I would love a free website but a book is also doable.




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If you ever have the opportunity, I would highly recommend attending a Walk Thru the Bible Seminar. They have classes for both children and adults. You will be there for a day and a half, and you will leave understanding the chronology and geography of the Old Testament. Everything is memory keyed to one word and a hand motion. My boys loved it and can still do all the hand signals.


Here is an example.


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