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St Johns Wort, Birth Control Pills & Depression

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I've struggled with depression a few times during my adult life and St Johns Wort (1-3 month dosage) really helped propel me towards a more positive mental outlook.


I'm on oral contraceptives for various reasons, and am relying on my low-dose pills for pregnancy prevention as well. From what I've always heard/read St Johns Wort interferes w/ effectiveness of oral contraceptive.


Any suggestions as to what else I could try?


ETA: I just read an article that said oral contraceptive cause deficiencies of B6, B12 & folic acid. I haven't been terrible good about taking my multivitamin lately- wonder if that has something to do with this....

Edited by LarlaB
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I'm sorry that you have dark days sometimes. :grouphug:


Try a B-complex. I'm sorry that I don't have a reference for you, but you could do a search for B-vitamins and depression.


Since dd was born, I do a B-complex. Loverboy's aunt swears by it for her depression. I don't know if it makes a difference or not for me.

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Just as quick background info, I am on an anti-depressant, have had several episodes of major depression in my life...but the lexapro doesn't always work as well as I would like it.


So...I'm reading a book called The Depression Cure - it has in it 6 things that (really everyone) should be doing to be healthier that will help with depression.


One of those things is a good, quality fish oil. There are tests out there that say that fish oil is as effective (or more) than some anti depressants! I have just recently started on one and am anxious to see if it helps. (I ordered from vitacost for a cheaper price)


The book is really good, by the way!! :)



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The pill can cause depression-even a low dose. Definatly take a look at that before anything else.


St John's Wort is *not* a supplement I would recommend. It can cause manic episodes, espeically in a bi-polar. Just stay away from it. ;)


Vit D




B Complex


GOOD quality Fish Oil


Those are all supps that are great and do not have the effects like St John's Wort does.


We use the brand NOW for all of our supps :D

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I'm sorry that you have dark days sometimes. :grouphug:


Try a B-complex. I'm sorry that I don't have a reference for you, but you could do a search for B-vitamins and depression.


Since dd was born, I do a B-complex. Loverboy's aunt swears by it for her depression. I don't know if it makes a difference or not for me.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I've known of the link between Bcomplex & depression, and didn't realize until today that BCP actually depletes B vit levels. That can't be good. :(


Just as quick background info, I am on an anti-depressant, have had several episodes of major depression in my life...but the lexapro doesn't always work as well as I would like it.


So...I'm reading a book called The Depression Cure - it has in it 6 things that (really everyone) should be doing to be healthier that will help with depression.


One of those things is a good, quality fish oil. There are tests out there that say that fish oil is as effective (or more) than some anti depressants! I have just recently started on one and am anxious to see if it helps. (I ordered from vitacost for a cheaper price)


The book is really good, by the way!! :)




Thanks for the book recommendation- sounds like pretty spot on advice and worth a read. :) I do take fish oil, but not terribly regularly.


Start by upping your B vitamin intake. That's a must. Consider adding a D supplement, too, if you don't get regular sunlight and you might also want to look into some magnesium.


Also, I find that 5-htp works much better than St. John's wort.


Thanks- I think I will look into that and give it a try.... I've heard a lot about it. Also, thanks RE the Vit D idea- I do get quite a bit of sunshine (I run outside)


Being on the pill made ME depressed. You may consider looking at that link... I think many women either ignore or misinformed about the connection.


Good point. I've been on it for 1.5 years and only recently realized I was starting to struggle w/ depressive thought patterns- although it is likely largely due to life issues, it is worth consideration that the Pill may be the causation.


The pill can cause depression-even a low dose. Definatly take a look at that before anything else.


St John's Wort is *not* a supplement I would recommend. It can cause manic episodes, espeically in a bi-polar. Just stay away from it.


Vit D




B Complex


GOOD quality Fish Oil


Those are all supps that are great and do not have the effects like St John's Wort does.


We use the brand NOW for all of our supps :D


Thanks for your input. I see/hear a theme RE Vit D, 5 htp, B complex & fish oil. :) Although I have had a very good experience w/ St Johns Wort, I realize that is not the case for all.

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I actually just posted this on another thread about insomnia...but thought it was also very appropriate for this topic.


Neuroscience is a company that offers tests for kids and adults to measure neurotransmitter levels. I was struggling so much after the birth of my third, and my naturopath suggested doing a test. You give a urine sample and send it away to them. They test it and send you the results...like real numbers(!) of your serotonin, gaba, epinephrine, etc. They also provide a regimen of supplements to help correct the imbalances. These imbalances can cause many problems in our bodies from insomnia to anxiety and depression. The website is neurorelief.com where you can do some research.


It was amazing the difference once I started taking the supplements. They are full of B vitamins and amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for neurotransmitters, and oftentimes we just aren't getting the balance we need. For the tests, you can search for a local provider in your area. I think the cost may be different depending on what area you are from. The supplements aren't inexpensive, but honestly, it's the best money I've ever spent. I took them for several months until I felt like I was at a good place and then slowly stopped taking them. I then took a Max Amino supplement to help keep my available resources ready to build happy brain chemicals!




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I couldn't do BCP. For me it worked by making me unable to be around anyone because of extreme anxiety and depression. Can anyone say 'abstinence'!


So I would echo the advice you've already received about B complex and good fish oil. Evening primrose oil and lots of good calcium help, too.

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Being on the pill made ME depressed. You may consider looking at that link... I think many women either ignore or misinformed about the connection.


Being on the pill made me not only depressed, but a bit of a demon. My husband says that I was NOT myself at all during that time.


Definitely take a look at the B complex vitamins, fish oils and vitamin D. But personally I found that actual sunlight and fresh air exposure help a lot.

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I started taking 5htp last week (starting out at 25mg) and think I can already tell a difference. I have a pretty sensitive system so I'm always a little on edge when taking something new- little pills can do BIG things. :)


Anyway- I wasn't expecting anything because herbs/nutritional supplements usually take 3+ weeks, but the past 2 days I've felt an increasing sense of calm, less frustration w/ life and dare I say a hint of optimism. ;) I just feel a sliver of calm that I haven't felt for a while- I actually sat and played the piano for 30 minutes yesterday. :)


The only downside is that I do feel a little sluggish/sleepy during the day, but have read that is a temporary side effect for some and only lasts the first week or so. I'm now taking 50mg a day (AM & PM). Any suggestions on WHEN to take it?


I am teary with gratitude and pray this trend continues. I sooo want to begin this school year from a good place, KWIM- even if life is stressful (we are considering moving, after having just moved here 2 yrs ago).


Thanks to all for the suggestions & input. :)



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I agree with the others: see if the BCP itself is related to depression. When I was on the pill or the EVIL (IMO) Depo-Provera just after dd was born, I gained weight and got depressed. Artificial progesterone ("Progestins") do that to me. So, I can't take any form of artificial progesterone or use any hormonal BC.


In terms of natural solutions to minimize depression, as others have said, the "theme" is:


B complex

EFAs ("Fish Oil" or Evening Primrose Oil or Cod Liver Oil)

Zinc (B6 and Zinc help with LOTS of behavior-related concerns!)


5-htp (or St. John's Wort, if it works well for you)


And Vitamin D. Even if you run outside, you're probably not getting enough vitamin D, unless you're running naked at the equator! ;-)


Also, are you sleeping well? If you're not getting enough sleep, have a hard time falling asleep or wake mid-sleep, it can cause depression symptoms, too. If sleep is an issue, start by making the bedroom COMPLETELY dark when you sleep. Block all light, cover the alarm clock lights, etc. COMPLETE darkness helps your body make the right amounts of melatonin, etc., and can increase sleep quantity and quality.





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Did you increase your B-complex vitamins? Taking a reasonable amount of B-complex each morning might help with the tiredness. (B6 is energizing, so don't take it at night!)


If 50mg twice a day is making your tired, you might try taking 50mg at night (which will help you sleep well) and 25mg in the morning. I found that the minor side effects of 5-htp only happened for the first week or two. Once you're past the second week, the tiredness ought to disappear.


Glad it's working! :)



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