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kids are at Grandma's and I am having chick flick movie time...suggestions?

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My boys are away at Grandma's and so while I am working on gardening, curriculum and housework(at least that's what I am telling the boys as they ARE working on the farm with Uncle and Grandpa in fields!), I am also working in time for some movies! These are the movies so far that my husband has picked up for me to watch:


Julie and Julia

It's Complicated

Crazy Heart

Only in Paris


I have a couple more days of relaxation so can anyone give me some more ideas!!


Oh, and has anyone tried the new sweet-tea flavored vodka...mix it with lemonade! Paula Deen would go crazy with it!

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Great ideas, ladies....I'm calling hubby with list to head to video store.

Keep the ideas coming...I need to keep this list for next time they head to Grandma's house!


Just remembered The Devil Wears Prada! Another great one! Love Meryl though.


Has anyone seen The Time Traveler's Wife? Guy at video store said it was good but seems like I remember many of you talking about the book and I can't remember if it was good or bad.

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my suggestion is that you fly me over to stay with you.




Mama Mia

Fried Green Tomatoes

Up Close and Personal



Haven't tried the sweet tea flavored vodka. I'd prefer blueberry vodka in lemonade!


Wow!!! What brand is the blueberry? my husband saw peach-flavored last night but I was just introduced to this sweet-tea vodka at Bible study last week.

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my husband saw peach-flavored last night but I was just introduced to this sweet-tea vodka at Bible study last week.


Don't have any movies to add to the list but just had to comment on being introduced to vodka at Bible Study... LOL!! :lol:


Enjoy your "me time"!

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Has anyone seen The Time Traveler's Wife? Guy at video store said it was good but seems like I remember many of you talking about the book and I can't remember if it was good or bad.

I rented it from Netflix but couldn't bring myself to watch it :P I read the book, so I kinda knew how it would go. My dh saw it (he's in Korea) & told me it was sad.

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