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Our Guinea Pig Had Pups This Morning!

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We adopted 3 female guinea pigs a couple of months ago and one hadn't been separated from the males before she came home with us. We knew there was a good chance that she was pregnant, and it turned out that indeed she was! She was getting quite large and when you touched her sides you could feel the little ones squirming around. (It made me start wishing for another baby! There is nothing like that feeling, is there?!)


Today is my husband's 33rd birthday, and we came downstairs this morning to these two sweet little pups. What an awesome birthday present!




I haven't had a good look yet to see if they are male or female. I'm really hoping female so we can keep them! Or both male, so they can go to a new home (or a separate cage in our home) together.


I am so happy that the birth went smoothly, especially as Sweet Pea is still a baby herself! The boys think we should name them Lucky and Happy, but I think Marc should have some say since they were born on his birthday!


Anyway, I just had to share the cuteness. :D

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We got my son a pregnant guinea pig for his birthday las June-of course, we did not know this. she certainly seemed to be putting on a lot of weight! Then she had three babies. Ds loves the greek myths, so our five guinea pigs are named: Juno, Venus, and babies: Athena, Pluto and Mercury. We did keep the boys, just caged them separately. Littermates don't fight, luckily.

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