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Anyone have a combined craft/scrapbook studio and a school room?

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Has anyone combined a craft/scrapbook studio and a school room? I used to scrapbook *a lot* (I actually worked in the industry) and set up our breakfast room as my "studio". It was definitely a one person workspace and not even that as of late, more like a place to pile all my cr*p instead. (This was before we started homeschooling.) So then I got the idea to make the dining room into our school room and reclaim the breakfast room as a place to eat, which means all my scrapbook stuff has to go somewhere. The good thing is much of the scrapbook stuf can be used as art supplies for school, but trying to reorganize, consolodate and move everything has been an ordeal. I haven't scrapped in forever, but I think if I could ever get an organized place to do it, I would start again. I do miss the creative process and the kid are getting to the point where they would scrap themselves.


I need to move the big table out of the dining room to be able to move the school stuff in there, but I can't move it into the breakfast room until all the scrapbook stuff is out of there, and I can't move the shelves into the dining room for that stuff until the table is moved! :tongue_smilie: Oh and our house is tiny and overflowing with furniture with stuff at every turn so no extra "temporary" room anywhere!


Just venting and needing some "get off your rear and get motivated, start chunking stuff now, move, move, move!" kinda vibes! :lol:

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I'll help. :D


School starts up again soon, and you'll feel soooooo much better if you've got everything cleaned up and ready to go. Get that scrapbooking monkey off your back! Your priorities have changed, you don't have the time and you don't have the space to waste an entire room on something that isn't happening. Box up everything that you aren't absolutely sure you're going to need, stick it in the garage, and get your school room set up. When you're done with that, bring back the scrap book stuff and set up your creative area. You can do it!


Good luck!

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Stepson and his family moved out (they were living in our outside "apartment" which was actually built for a school room years ago). 19yodd just married and moved out. We have a 5 bedroom house. One room is the master bedroom, one for oldest dd (21), one for youngest dd (17), ds (15) took over the apartment so his surround sound doesn't keep dh up at night (dh goes to bed WAY too early for most of the real world), I made the extra downstairs room a nice guest room (never had one of these), and the smallest room upstairs (ds' old room) will now be our school/scrappin room.


He is my last one at home and we have 3 years left of HS. I figure by next fall he'll be taking at least SOME of his courses at one of the colleges. I put all of our school books in the closet, put us each a desk, and am moving a table and all my scrapbook stuff up here.


Once we repaint the room, I'm going to have DH install some shelving for organization of my scrappin supplies as well. I figure I'll have much more time for scrapbooking in a few weeks when I leave my p/t job, and I'll be able to work on stuff while up here helping ds with his schoolwork.


Gosh, that turned out to be a large ramble...

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Pre-homeschooling, I had my craft room. Scrapbooking, drawing, photography, crafts, etc. Then the homeschoolers moved in :lol: It's actually worked out well...all things are in easy reach. It does make much more mess potential in a smaller area though.


Now that we've moved to a much smaller house, we have all of that crammed in to a small dining room and a closet. Still works better than nothing, but I do miss my spread. I also keep rearranging things because I keep thing of better ways to organize.

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I don't scrapbook, but we have a combined craft room and school room. It also stores all of our games. We called it the Rec Room (or Wrecked Room, when it is messy. :D) We have one wall of shelves (dh built them floor to ceiling,) a lot of plastic drawer organizers, and two tables. I would really like to redo it with IKEA furniture and make it look better, but it is low on the priority list.


I also dream of the day we are done homeschooling, and it will be all mine. :001_smile: In reality, though, it will probably end up as a first floor bedroom for one of our mothers, should they need to live with us.

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I have a sort of homeschool/sewing space. Sort of. It also contains a variety of tools and stuff in limbo right now.


I am planning to spend about 4 weeks (starting on 7/26) getting it ready for school. I need to do repairs to the walls, give it new paint color, reorganize and build some furniture so it's not (just) that I'm slow. :D It will be a major redo of an 11.5' x 28' room.


In the process, I'm redoing my sewing area to be just one corner. I have about 8' x 11' devoted to it now and am going to downsize further and make a corner desk/cutting table with machine storage underneath. I have IKEA wall cabinets which will be moved around to be above that area only. This gives me the other corner for a couple new bookcases (one with and one without doors, which I'm also planning to build) and a cozy chair for reading.


This is what it looked like in 2008. Not much has changed except the lower cabinets on the red wall have been removed--and the boy has MUCH longer hair :D (He still makes faces when I get out the camera):



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