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Have you had an "Ah Ha" moment?

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Have you had an "Ah Ha" moment? What was it?


My "ah ha" moment was that my DD avoids the things that she is not good at. Sounds common sense, but it took a long time to realize it. Now when she avoids things, I think "hmmm". I'm sure we've had other ones, but this one cause me the biggest "ah ha".

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Yes, I have had an epiphany. It came when my sister-in-law was explaining to me why she believes our FIL has such an attachment to all of his belongings--even those things he can or will never use again. She thinks he has attached his personal value to his 'stuff'. The tools with which he used to create; the autos in which he used move about the world. They represent to him the man he once was.


It made perfect sense to me, and I realized I have the same connection to my books. The reason I feel so possessive of my books is that I see them as proof that I am not stupid. I look at all I have read and studied, and I see physical proof that I am not the girl my dad once referred to as, "cute but not very bright."

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STUPID ah ha moment....sorry, nothing to do with my kids or homeschooling...


First let me say I am not an actor/movie buff, but when I am show on line I will Google around during the commercials. I am rewatching the Firefly series so I was Googling the actors/actresses...


I couldn't figure out why Nathan Fillion always seemed like he had been in so many more TV shows/Movies than I could remember. He just seemed so familiar but when I read his credentials, nothing stands out.


Until I figured out that he and Jason Bateman really look a lot alike and I was meshing the two together into one actor. LOL Seems silly, but that my friends is my grand revelation, my AH HA of the day!


ETA: Nathan is on the left, Jason is on the right....or is it the other way around...insert evil laugh

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My biggest ah-ha moment was when I held my daughter for the first time. Like, "ah-ha, now I know what my purpose in life is".


She changed my life in drastic ways. I say that she saved my life, and the sad truth is, she probably did. I was headed down a very dark path before I had my daughter. I'd probably be dead or in jail right now had I not gotten pregnant when I did.

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My educational "ah-ha" moment came at Cotton Patch! LOL! DD is late-diagnosed hard-of-hearing and it has been *interesting* teaching her to read (she is doing well, though). My "ah-ha" came when she was trying to fill in the blank in the word "_ i r e" with a picture of the round, black thing that goes on a car ("tire") on their kids' menu activity sheet. Instead of a "t" she filled in another "i". Because she doesn't hear high frequency consonant sounds, she didn't realize "tire" starts with a "t"! Duh! I knew she couldn't hear those sounds but seeing how it really translated into her reading struggles made a huge difference in how we are attackign words now, and she is progressing much faster! :001_smile:


Another parenting "ah-ha" was when I realized that step-DD had never really been parented *at all* before I married her dad and what I though was 'normal parenting' she took as interfering, bossing, and 'getting in her business'. Unfortunately, I don't think she will ever understand that what I was doing is what 'normal parents' do. :(

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My A-ha moment was understanding why people, out of the blue, sometimes accuse another of something that person would never do (the two I remember was a roomie accusing me of stealing her teapot, and another, when I was chatting with someone and burst out laughing and a man about 10 feet from me told me very angrily to "never laugh at him again")..and the why is that the accuser DOES do those kind of things, and thinks everyone does. The roomie did turn out to be a bad check person, and Mr. Angry belittled people often.


Now when I am accused of something really, to me, unheard of, I am on my guard for that kind of thing from the accuser.

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