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Crazy! Guess what turned up in a box of books. . ..

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my fil is a rather - err - eccentric man. Long story. Won't go there.


So he's been shipping my dh boxes and boxes of books. Not sure why, but we get one box every month or so. Dh has been stacking them in the "man cave", and just this afternoon decided to open them and take a look.


He comes in, and says, "Look here at this. . . . . . ."


With a copy of The Well-Educated Mind.




Related note: fil is a smoker. Dh has the books out in the garage to try to "air them out". Any other remedies? We don't have allergies or anything, but just hate the smell.

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Great hints - thanks!


No, actually- they're from his personal collection. I think he's trying to "lighten his load", and it is a way he's showing his love to my dh and our family. I've only seen him 6 times in the 19 years we've been married, if that gives you any clue.


The man is brilliant. Incredibly. Emigrated from Portugal at age 12, learned English, never got more than a h.s. education, but is the most. brilliant. man I know.


Probably to his detriment. Very frustrated as an hourly worker his whole life. But he is amazingly self-educated.

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Great hints - thanks!


No, actually- they're from his personal collection. I think he's trying to "lighten his load", and it is a way he's showing his love to my dh and our family. I've only seen him 6 times in the 19 years we've been married, if that gives you any clue.


The man is brilliant. Incredibly. Emigrated from Portugal at age 12, learned English, never got more than a h.s. education, but is the most. brilliant. man I know.


Probably to his detriment. Very frustrated as an hourly worker his whole life. But he is amazingly self-educated.


Well if he's self-educated, then The Well-Trained Mind was a good book to have!

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Are they new books he's bought for you? I think it's a way for him to show his love.

:iagree:I think it was kind of him -- whatever you don't need, donate it to the local library. There are some odor pellets (designed for musty basements) that can help take the smoke smell out. So can putting the books out for a day in full sunlight. I recall being a missionary in Micronesia having to deal with mold and musty books in setting up our denomination's bible college library -- sunlight worked like a charm. HTH.




Edited by tex-mex
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