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I am debating art this year. I would love to try something but I dont really know where to start. I have seen some names of programs on here and sorta looked through them on their websites but am still just not sure.

I have a 6yr old ds and he loves to color and draw! We go through paper like crazy in our house because he just wants to draw picture after picture. So I was thinking some sort of art program, maybe once or twice a week nothing to stuffy. If you use an art program, what do you use for this age and please tell me a little bit about it.

I like to hear peoples opinions of things they have actually used vs. looking at what the seller says about it.

I am new to hsing and I know very little of what is out there!


Any thoughts are appreciated!:D

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I am trying to incorporate art into our classroom this year and I was waffling between a bunch of art programs but they looked so in depth and I just wanted a simple program to teach the basics and allow my kids to enjoy art.


So we are using Evan-Moor's How to Teach Art to Children. It can be used between grades 1-6. It has colorful example pages, simple directions, every day art supplies for the most part. Part 1 teaches: line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and space. Part 2 focuses on: elements of art with a focus for each lesson on a particular artist and the students create an artwork in the style of that artist.

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Well, I'm really no help to you. We've homeschooled for 3 years, but this will be our first to do art. The stats: homeschool year round, dd8, dd5, ds3. We will be doing Atelier 1B, 2A, 2B and 2C every other week. On the off weeks we are doing a craft. We had several craft kits in the closet that we've bought through the years, but just never got around to them. So, this year I'm scheduling them in. I ended up with enough kits to make the year, but if I hadn't I was planning to go to the dollar store to look for some there. No real help, but just thought I would share with you what we are planning to do.



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I love Atelier. This was our second year using it. There are enough lessons to do 2 a month. On the off weeks, I am using Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons (purchased subscription through homeschool buyers coop), which my 8 yo dd loves and I just bought a used copy of Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing. I'm not sure how user friendly Feed My Sheep is (hopefully others will chime in) but we just attended one of Stebbings 3-day art workshops, so I feel confident I will be able to use the program.


If I had to pick one program, it would be Atelier. It is expensive, but not when you consider what you would pay for outside art lessons. Also, it has a very good resale value.



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Thanks for the replies! I just had one question about the ones listed,

Are these learning to draw, art appreciation or crafts?


What are your opinions on of Usbornes drawing books and artistic pursuits? I dont know anything about either one, I just see them listed alot.


I will have check out all the ones that get listed. I didnt even know Evan-moor had an art program, but I am just getting started looking at them. They seem to have alot of things people use! Seems like most like their stuff!:)

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I love Atelier. This was our second year using it. There are enough lessons to do 2 a month. On the off weeks, I am using Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons (purchased subscription through homeschool buyers coop), which my 8 yo dd loves and I just bought a used copy of Feed My Sheep by Barry Stebbing. I'm not sure how user friendly Feed My Sheep is (hopefully others will chime in) but we just attended one of Stebbings 3-day art workshops, so I feel confident I will be able to use the program.


If I had to pick one program, it would be Atelier. It is expensive, but not when you consider what you would pay for outside art lessons. Also, it has a very good resale value.




WOW. What an awesome program and totally perfect for my DD. But, I just cant afford it right now SIGH. Thanks for recommending though, first thing I am going to save for!

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I'm not sure on the pricing of Atlier, and I do know that Artistic Pursuits is still somewhat pricey. But that would be the next one I'd suggest considering. It combines art appreciation with actual projects.


My friend recently purchased Usborne's Big Book of Art, or something like that, which is about $20 on Amazon, and she's thrilled with it. Lots and lots of projects, and lots of variety, especially for the price.


We have How to Teach Art to Children, and I like it, but it doesn't have as many finished projects as my daughter likes. So we have to combine it with other things. Last year, we used Art for all Seasons (also Evan Moor), which was more crafty, simply because she was so reticent to do art. Now, she's like your son, and we're running out of paper! :lol: In the fall, we'll start Artistic Pursuits, though I'll be honest and say that the Usborne book is sitting in my Amazon cart. Maybe both? The Usborne books do seem to get good reviews.


Hope you find something you and he like! I'm sure you will!

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Thank you all, I looked at the ones listed. I know there has been another that I have seen posted about but can not remember what it was.


These look good though, I'll have to show my dh and see what he thinks!


Thanks for your help :D

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For art appreciation we use artist picture study ala CM, you can get schedule for and information about artisit study on Ambleside Online. For art instruction we use Art Adventures at Home. Each book has three year of art instruction and it's very painless to teach. This is our third year using the first book and I've been very pleased.

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I just got my copy of ARTistic Pursuits in the mail yesterday and, after thumbing through it, I'm so excited about it I actually got all tingly looking through it! :lol: It is way out of my price-range new, but I found a really good used copy (no bent pages or writing, and the art cards are still in the original envelope) for $20 on the homeschool classifieds website. I've seen a couple of copies on eBay recently too. I think buying it used it is absolutely worth every penny.

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WOW. What an awesome program and totally perfect for my DD. But, I just cant afford it right now SIGH. Thanks for recommending though, first thing I am going to save for!


It was pricey. But thankfully I was able to get ours used. It was still pricey, but I compared it to actual art lessons and boy was it a bargain then! :001_smile: Seriously, it has a GREAT resale value on here and on ebay. It will be moving on to a new home when we are finished. That being said, I have heard great things about Artistic Pursuits and Meet the Masters. I plan to look into some of the other ones mentioned in this thread.


Hope you find something that you like and something you can use!

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For dd 2nd through 4th grades I used the book Drawing with Children by Mona Brooks, and Meet the Masters at Home Track A: The Complete Art Program for Ages 8-9 for applied art. I used Mommy, It's a Renoir! (I think that's the name of the program with the index cards of masterpieces), Sister Wendy books, and we visited art museums at least once every two months for art appreciation. All this with minimal success, or so I thought.


I made her a large easel and she drew and water colored everyday, but what she was mostly interested in drawing Pokemon. I didn't fight it. She likes to draw cartoon-type figures, although very detailed. In 8th grade she took an actual 10-week applied art class where she did very well where she did realistic drawing of people and landscapes, learning one and two-point perspective. She just continues to draw every day too.


Barry Stebbing did offer free art lessons (I found it about 3 months ago) on a website I cannot now find. It was an online tape showing him drawing and coloring in fruit. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.

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