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WRTR and SWR phonogram cds


SWR phonogram CD OR WRTR phonogram CD?  

  1. 1. SWR phonogram CD OR WRTR phonogram CD?

    • SWR CD
    • WRTR CD

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The WRTR phonogram cards are commercial quality, really nicely made, and come in two sizes. The SWR phonogram cards are tagboard that you laminate and cut apart. There's just no comparing them. I used the WRTR phonogram cards with my SWR stuff for years, no problem. The phonograms are almost identical, so you make a couple changes on a couple cards and you're there. I do like the SWR rules cards. In the packet for that you'll find a cheat sheet with the phonograms on one side, rules on the other. I laminated that with 10 mill and used it as a bookmark in my Wise Guide.


It's illogical to buy a cd that doesn't match your cards. Either way though, it doesn't matter. Most people won't even need the cd to hear the sounds correctly. You might be one of the people who do, but many won't. I wouldn't bother to get it unless you're concerned.

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Have you seen the "All About Spelling" CD ROM?

It is interactive, you can see the phonogram, attempt the sound(s), and then hear the phonogram sounds repeated back to see if you are correct.


You can try a demo here:




I have the SWR cd but have never used it.

:iagree:They have nice cards too, and the tiles are worth having. I am not using AAS anymore but still use their products!

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If you need to hear the sounds you can get them via youtube.

WRTR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMAQLW4hIEk


Spalding, they split them into sets and have one video per set but cover all of them.



If I was going to get one for the child to practice (vs. hear myself if needed) I would get the AAS CD.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
Most people won't even need the cd to hear the sounds correctly. You might be one of the people who do, but many won't. I wouldn't bother to get it unless you're concerned.


If you need to hear the sounds you can get them via youtube.

WRTR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMAQLW4hIEk


Spalding, they split them into sets and have one video per set but cover all of them.




I am so thankful to read both these posts. :D After the money I spent buying the primary logs and still needing to purchase the spelling rules cards and do laminating I was just hating the idea of forking out for the CD when I wasn't entirely convinced I needed it (but I'm always inclined to doubt rather than trust myself).

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I'm just going to be a broken record here and repeat that I wouldn't bother buying the SWR phonogram cards. I used SWR for years and years, still have it in fact, but the WRTR cards are MUCH better and fully compatible. Your rules packet for SWR will have all the info on the phonograms, and you can make the two or so changes on the backs of the WRTR cards. The WRTR cards will cost you less, are professionally done, and just really, really nice.


There, sermon over. :)

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Guest RecumbentHeart
I'm just going to be a broken record here and repeat that I wouldn't bother buying the SWR phonogram cards. I used SWR for years and years, still have it in fact, but the WRTR cards are MUCH better and fully compatible. Your rules packet for SWR will have all the info on the phonograms, and you can make the two or so changes on the backs of the WRTR cards. The WRTR cards will cost you less, are professionally done, and just really, really nice.


There, sermon over. :)



That I wish I'd known before I bought the SWR Phonogram cards. :glare:

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