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Dd would like to read the following books/authors.... any opinions?

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Dd, age 15, has asked me to review the following books/authors, and would like permission to read them.


"Percy and the Olympians", by Rick Riordan



"Dragonspell" series (Dd doesn't know the author).


Dd says she is "out of books to read", lol. The real truth is that she reads so quickly, it's hard to keep a ready supply available.


So, are the series mentioned above appropriate for a 15 yr old, christian girl? She loves good fantasy a la Tolkien, and Lord Dunsany.


Any other suggestions are always welcome.......

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The Dragonspell series is probably the Dragon Keepers series (first in the series is Dragonspell) by Donita Paul. The series is written for grades 4-8.


Percy and the Olympians - my kids read it & enjoyed it and discussing it with their friends who were all currently reading the series also (my youngest who read the series was age 9 at the time).


As far as whether they're appropriate for a 15yo, Christian girl... that's hard for me to say. YMMV and all that. I'd let my kids read either series above without a moment's hesitation, though, if that helps. :)

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The only thing I can say is she may find them insufferably easy and be ready for more meatier literature. While I bought the first Percy Jackson book for my middle son (I think he was 11 at the time), all of my kids read it. My 10yod is the one who really enjoys them, though her brothers do pick these up from time to time when they want some light reading.

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Both ds and I liked the Percy Jackson series. By definition, they deal with Olympian gods and goddesses. The gods act like Greek gods - ie. they were not faithful to spouses and get angry, hold grudges etc. But the books are not explicit in any sense and are age appropriate in my mind, for children.


We haven't read the Dragonspell ones.

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I would strongly recommend The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. I picked up her more recent book Dragonhaven as well, but haven't read it yet. I also enjoyed Beauty and Spindle's End, which are retellings of Beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty.

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